

1,Alex Li,22,13651054608,IT,2013-04-01
2,Jack Wang,30,13304320533,HR,2015-05-03
3,Rain Liu,25,1383235322,Saies,2016-04-22
4,Mmck Cao,40,1356145343,HR,2009-03-01
+---------------------------------------READ ME-------------------------------------------------+
|   注:命令及关键字请使用小写
|       本代码为模拟简单的 MySQL 增删改查的功能,可参考给的例子,自行输入
|   * 的位置表示显示范围,也可以输入表头名字,只打印这几列
|  范围 的位置,表示查找(修改)的条件,可以用and连接多个参数
|   (field1,field2) 表示你增加时需要写入的列的名字, phone 必选
|   values(value1,value2) 表示你增加时需要写入的列的数值
|   查找:select * from staff_table where 范围
|        :select * from staff_table where age > 22 and dept = "HR" and enroll_date like "2009"
|        :select name,age from staff_table where age > 22
|   插入:insert into staff_table (field1,field2) values(value1,value2)
|        :insert into staff_table (name,age,phone,dept) values ('jia',22,15246512541,'IT')
|   删除:delete from staff_table where 范围
|        :delete from staff_table where staff_id = 3
|   更新:update staff_table set field1=value1 where 范围
|        :update staff_table set age = 23 where staff_id = 1
  退出:q    再看一遍说明:r


  1 #! /usr/bin/env python
  2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3 # __author__ = "Always"
  4 # Date: 2017/6/16
  5 import time
  7 file_path = r'staff_table'
  8 readme_path = r'readme.txt'
  9 all_tittle = ['staff_id', 'name', 'age','phone', 'dept', 'enroll_date']
 10 func_dic = {}
 12 def add_func_dic(keys):
 13     def deco(func):
 14         func_dic[keys] = func
 15     return deco
 17 def resolve_cmd(cmd):
 18     """
 19     分解命令
 20     这个函数,主要是用来处理接收的 select 命令,将各个参数提取出来,放到一个字典中
 21     :param cmd:  这个参数是用户输入的,命令,格式为字符串形式
 22     :return:
 23     """
 24     cmd_dict = {'show_tittle':None, 'file_name':None, 'select_condetion':None, 'cmd':None}
 25     cmd_deal = cmd.split('from')[0].split()
 26     cmd_dict['cmd'] = cmd_deal.pop(0).strip()
 27     cmd_deal = ''.join(cmd_deal).split(',')
 28     cmd_dict['show_tittle'] = all_tittle if cmd_deal[0].strip() == "*" else cmd_deal
 29     filename_select = cmd.split('from')[1].strip().split('where')
 30     cmd_dict['file_name'] = filename_select[0].strip()
 31     if len(filename_select) > 1:
 32         cmd_dict['select_condetion'] = filename_select[1].strip()
 33     return cmd_dict
 35 def deal_select_condetion(select_condetion):
 36     """
 37     主要用来处理后面的条件有 like 的情况,为筛选的条件重新排序
 38     :param select_condetion:
 39     :return:
 40     """
 41     select_condetion = select_condetion.split('and')
 42     for i in range(len(select_condetion)):
 43         if 'like' in select_condetion[i]:
 44             select_condetion[i] = select_condetion[i].split()
 45             select_condetion[i].reverse()
 46             select_condetion[i] = ' '.join(select_condetion[i])
 47     return ' and '.join(select_condetion).replace('like', 'in')
 50 def return_select_result(total_count, all_tittle, show_tittle, d):
 51     """
 52     这个函数主要用来处理打印满足条件的行数和列数
 53     :param total_count: 用来计算一共打印了多少行
 54     :param all_tittle: 所有的表头,用来固定打印顺序
 55     :param show_tittle: 代表需要打印的列
 56     :return: 用来计算一共打印了多少行
 57     """
 58     for tittle in all_tittle:
 59         if tittle in show_tittle:
 60             print('%-14s' % d[tittle], end='')
 61     print()
 62     total_count += 1
 63     return total_count
 65 @add_func_dic('select')
 66 def what_a_funck(cmd):
 67     cmd_dict = resolve_cmd(cmd)
 68     select(cmd_dict['file_name'], cmd_dict['select_condetion'], cmd_dict['show_tittle'])
 70 def select(file_name, select_condetion, show_tittle):
 71     """
 72     这个功能用来查找,并打印符合要求的字段
 73     :param file_name
 74     :param select_condetion
 75     :param show_tittle
 76     :return:
 77     """
 78     file_info_list = get_file_info_to_list(file_name)
 80     for tittle in all_tittle:                         # 打印表头
 81         if tittle in show_tittle:
 82             print('33[44;1m%-14s' % tittle, end='')
 83     print('33[0m')
 84     total_count = 0
 86     if select_condetion:                   # 如果有筛选条件的话,按条件打印,没有的话,全部打印
 87         select_condetion = select_condetion.replace('=', '==')  # 如果判断条件有一个 ’=‘ 就把他变成两个,方便后面 eval 计算
 88         if 'like' in select_condetion:  # 如果判断条件有 like 就把   enroll_date like "2013"  改成 “2013” in enroll_date ,方便后面 eval 计算
 89             select_condetion = deal_select_condetion(select_condetion)
 92         for d in file_info_list:                          # 遍历 用户信息 列表
 93             globals().update(d)                           # 将字典中所有内容变为变量,用来处理条件
 94             show_table_tittle = False
 95             if eval(select_condetion):                    # 如果满足输入的条件,那么打印信息
 97                 total_count = return_select_result(total_count,all_tittle,show_tittle, d)
 98     else:                                                 # 如果用户没有输入筛选条件,执行这里
 99         for d in file_info_list:
100             total_count = return_select_result(total_count, all_tittle, show_tittle, d)
101     print('33[1mtotal count: %s33[0m'%total_count)
103 def get_file_info_to_list(file_path):               # 将文件内容取出来,放入 [{},{}] 中
104     with open (file_path,encoding='utf-8') as f:
105         return [{'staff_id':int(line.strip().split(',')[0]), 'name':line.strip().split(',')[1], 'age':int(line.strip().split(',')[2]), 'phone':line.strip().split(',')[3], 'dept':line.strip().split(',')[4], 'enroll_date':line.strip().split(',')[5]} for line in f]
108 def insert_split(cmd):                                 # 插入功能的前戏
109     """
110     插入功能的命令分解。。。
111     :param cmd: 用户输入的命令
112     :return: 包含分解的命令的字典
113     """
114     cmd_dict = {}
115     cmd_split = cmd.split()
116     if cmd_split[1] != 'into':
117         return
118     cmd_dict['file_name'] = cmd_split[2]
119     cmd_split = ''.join(cmd_split[3:]).split('values')
120     cmd_dict['keys'] = cmd_split[0].strip('(').strip(')').split(',')
121     cmd_dict['values'] = cmd_split[1].strip('(').strip(')').split(',')
122     return cmd_dict
124 @add_func_dic('insert')
125 def insert(cmd, all_tittle = all_tittle, file_path = file_path):               # 插入功能的开始
126     """
127     插入功能,新增一个用户
128     :param cmd: 传入命令行的输入,进行分解调用
129     :param all_tittle: 默认为全局变量,用来判断需要写入那些内容,以及位置排序
130     :param file_path: 默认为全局变量,用来标记需要修改的文件名
131     :return:
132     """
133     if not insert_split(cmd):
134         print('输入错误。。。')
135         return
136     cmd_dict = insert_split(cmd)
137     globals().update(cmd_dict)
138     file_info_list = get_file_info_to_list(file_path)
139     new_people_info = {'staff_id':file_info_list[-1]['staff_id'] + 1}
140     if 'phone' not in keys:
141         print('哥,我也不想的,老师指定 phone 为唯一键,不输入不行啊。。。。')
142         return
144     for i in file_info_list:                                            # 如果号码重复,重新输入
145         if i['phone'] == values[keys.index('phone')]:
146             print('那啥,号码已注册,换一个吧。。亲。。。。')
147             return
148     if 'age' in keys and not values[keys.index('age')].isdigit():               # 判断年龄是不是数字
149         print('年龄需要为数字。。。')
150         return
152     for i in all_tittle[1:]:                  # 准备加入 新人物 的信息
153         if i in keys:
154             new_people_info[i] = values[keys.index(i)].strip("'").strip('"')
155         else:
156             new_people_info[i] = None
157     new_people_info = [new_people_info]
158     add_new_people(all_tittle, new_people_info, file_path, open_with='a')
159     print('33[1m加入成功。。。33[0m')
162 def add_new_people(all_tittle,new_people_info, file_path, open_with = 'r'):
163     """
164     主要用来写入或增加 staff_table 的内容
165     :param all_tittle: 存放表头信息
166     :param new_people_info: 需要加入,或重新写入的任务信息
167     :param file_path: 文件路径
168     :param open_with: 打开方式
169     :return: 1
170     """
171     with open(file_path, open_with, encoding='utf-8') as f:
172         new_people_info_str = ''
173         if new_people_info[0]['enroll_date'] == None:
174             new_people_info[0]['enroll_date'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
176         for d in new_people_info:
177             for i in all_tittle:
178                 new_people_info_str += '%s,'%d[i]
179             new_people_info_str = new_people_info_str.strip(',') + '
180         f.write(new_people_info_str)
181         return 1
184 @add_func_dic('delete')
185 def delete(cmd1):
186     """
187     处理删除命令,通过匹配符合条件的方法,不符合的加入新的列表中,等待重新写入
188     :param cmd1: 用户输入的命令
189     :return: 1
190     """
191     cmd_dic = resolve_cmd(cmd1)
192     cmd, file_name, select_condetion = cmd_dic['cmd'], cmd_dic['file_name'], cmd_dic['select_condetion']
194     if select_condetion:
195         select_condetion = select_condetion.replace('=', '==')
196         if 'like' in select_condetion:               # 如果判断条件有 like 就把   enroll_date like "2013"  改成 “2013” in enroll_date ,方便后面 eval 计算
197             select_condetion = deal_select_condetion(select_condetion)
198     else:
199         print("请输入条件。。。。")
200         return
202     file_info_list = get_file_info_to_list(file_name)   # 获取文件相关参数
203     new_file_list = []            # 筛选出新信息后重新写入
204     total_count = 0
205     for d in file_info_list:
206         globals().update(d)
207         if not eval(select_condetion):
208             new_file_list.append(d)
209         else:
210             total_count += 1
211     add_new_people(all_tittle,new_file_list,file_name,open_with='w')
212     print('33[1m删除了%s条内容。。。33[0m' % total_count)
213     return 1
216 def update_split(cmd):
217     """
218     处理用户更新信息时候的命令,将它分割开
219     :param cmd: 用户输入的信息
220     :return: 分割好的内容 file_name, change_thing, select_condetion
221     """
222     cmd_dic={}
223     cmd_dic['file_name'] = cmd.split('set')[0].split('update')[1].strip()
224     cmd_dic['change_thing'] = cmd.split('where')[0].split('set')[1].strip().split('=')
225     if 'staff_id' in cmd_dic['change_thing'][1]:
226         print('哥,为了方便程序运行,我禁止了修改 ID 。。。。')
227         return
228     if 'where' not in cmd:
229         print('没有输入范围(where)。。。')
230         return
231     cmd_dic['select_condetion'] = cmd.split('where')[1].strip()
232     if 'age' in cmd_dic['change_thing']:
233         if not cmd_dic['change_thing'][1].isdigit():
234             print('年龄要是个数字。。。。')
235             return
236     return cmd_dic['file_name'], cmd_dic['change_thing'], cmd_dic['select_condetion']
238 @add_func_dic('update')
239 def update(cmd):
240     """
241     这个程序用来修改数据库信息
242     :param cmd: 用户输入的命令
243     :return: 1
244     """
245     cmd_dic = update_split(cmd)
246     if not cmd_dic:
247         return
248     file_name, change_thing, select_condetion = update_split(cmd)
249     select_condetion = select_condetion.replace('=','==')
250     if 'like' in select_condetion:  # 如果判断条件有 like 就把   enroll_date like "2013"  改成 “2013” in enroll_date ,方便后面 eval 计算
251         select_condetion = deal_select_condetion(select_condetion)
252     file_info_list = get_file_info_to_list(file_name)
253     total_count = 0
254     for i,d in enumerate(file_info_list):
255         globals().update(d)
256         if eval(select_condetion):
257             file_info_list[i][change_thing[0].strip()] = change_thing[1].strip()
258             total_count += 1
260     add_new_people(all_tittle,file_info_list, file_name, open_with = 'w')
261     print('33[1m修改了%s条内容。。。33[0m' % total_count)
264 def main():
265     while True:
266         with open(readme_path,encoding='utf-8') as f:
267             for i in f:
268                 print(i.strip())
269         while True:
270             cmd = input("33[31;1m>>>33[0m").strip()
271             if cmd.upper() == 'Q':
272                 exit('谢谢使用')
273             elif cmd.upper() == 'R':
274                 break
275             try:
276                 func_dic[cmd.strip().split()[0]](cmd)
277             except Exception:
278                 print('输入错误。。。')
279             time.sleep(0.3)
281 if __name__ == "__main__":
282     main()

