tarfile zipfile bz2 gz

import tarfile
import os, shutil
filepath = 'd:/python project'
ftarname = './test.tar.gz'
tarlib = './test/'
# with tarfile.open(ftarname, mode='w:gz') as tfp:
#     for file in os.listdir(filepath):
#         if os.path.isfile(file):
#             print('compressing file->', file)
#             tfp.add(file)
# #=================获取压缩所有文件名============
# # with tarfile.open(ftarname, mode = 'r:gz') as tfp:
# #     for name in tfp.getnames():
# #         print(name)
# #=================解压所有文件===================
# with tarfile.open(ftarname, mode = 'r:gz') as tfp:
#     if not os.path.exists(tarlib):
#         os.mkdir(tarlib)
#     for mem in tfp.getmembers():
#         print('decompressing file->', mem.name)
#         tfp.extract(mem, tarlib)
# 当然也可以用extractall 全部解压 类似的还有bz2
#shutil.rmtree(tarlib) # 清空临时目录

