Marketing learning-1

Today we start to learn something about marketing together.Sometimes i just propose a question,and i need you to think about the problem with me.

Part one

Marketing:exchange between buyer and seller

1)buyer's market:product focus market

2)seller's market:customer focus market(meet customer need)

What customer want? How to pick or choose customers('cause we cann't meet all customers' need)?

Make customer willing to buy? Create some value?

Profitable ---> Building customer loyalty:

give customer exactly what they want ---> keep creating value ---> deliver value to customer --->loyalty (customer share)

3)connected community (Experience,focus deeper on customer experiential value,"Customer is lord!")

4)global recession:economic uncertainty (Trust,focus on genuine customer value-reset,discipline,flexibility,cut cost..)


①product orientation:generic product,persuade customer to want what the firm has

Competitive advantage (CA):lowest cost

Profitability drivers (PD):market share

②marketing orientation:different products/services,persuade firm to offer what the customer want

CA:quality and service,customer knowledge

PD:customer share,customer loyalty

③experience orientation:experiential value,manage customer's entire experience with the firm

CA:transformation,customer as co-creator of value


④trust orientation:genuine value,priortize building a relationship of trust and discipline



Part two

1.three principles of marketing:

1)principle of customer value (rather than competition)

2)principle of differentiation (do better than competition)

3)principle of segmentation (segment market),targeting (target customer),and positioning (position brand)

2.4 P's of marketing:

product (seller), place (deliver/exchange), promotion (communication), price (buyer) principle:

1)know your markets:competitive,global,customers' need (value ---> deliver)

2)customers have the final say:they cann't consider anything,but they would choose what they want at that time

how they pick?

decision process (3 bundles):operational factor,product features,customer needs

3)commit to being the first in the market you serve (but everyone tends to copy!!)

4)deliver total quality to guarantee customer satifaction
