hbase distributed setup and configuration

1 ensure the same operating system , authentication , JDK installation path on every mainframe computers
2 vim /etc/hosts, add ip hostname in the shape of key/value,hostname should be unique,localhost should be deleted(!!important)
3 open ssh service,ensure all the mainframe computers can access each other without password
4 setup hadoop
  Export HADOOP_HOME=hadoop installation path

5 hadoop configuration
  (1) conf/hadoop-env.sh
      export JAVA_HOME=JDK installation path
  (2) add master ip into conf/masters,each ip at single line
      add slave ip into conf/slaves,each ip at single line
  (3) core-site.xml
   <value>hadoop installation path</value>
   <value>hdfs://masterIP:9000(any not used port)</value>
(4) hdfs-site.xml
   <value>datanode num</value>
 (5) mapred-site.xml

6 hbase configuration
  (1)conf/regionservers insert data like slaves configuration in hadoop
     export JAVA_HOME=JDK installation path
     export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true
  <value>any one regionserversIP(num should be odd)</value>

  1 software version
     hadoop-1.0.4 hbase-0.94.7
  2 how to get jdk installation path
     update-alternatives --display java
     java_home /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64
  3 how to stop hbase
     on slave ./hbase-daemon.sh stop regionserver
     on master ./stop-hbase.sh
