Sharepoint 2010 Character problem in Category Titles in Blog Site for different languages

Hello Everyone,

If you faced a character problem in Category Titles in Blog Site Template for different language , may be this article helps you. In my envoriment i am using Turkish Language Pack (1055) .
the repro is not tested on other languages but it  should be occurs for other languages which is contains specific characters .

I think this  problem is a minor bug .You can reproduce it easily .

Here the Repro steps.
1) Install or find SPS2010 + SP1Dec2011 CU + TR(1055) language pack installed machine.
2) Create a site collection in Turkish
3) Create a “Web Günlüğü”  (Blog Site Instance)
4) Add some categories that contains Turkish Characters.
5) Click one of this category titles in left navigation  and open category page

I have created a category named : “Yağlı Boya Seçmeleri”  You can see the problem bellowed screenshot.

The problem is when rendering left panel Categories web part (XSTLListView) not encode url of Link object correctly. I have tested with changing the link in browser’s address bar with correct encoding the titiles shown correctly on category page.

So There  is a workaround for fixing this issue with using Sharepoint Designer 2010 .

1) Open defauılt aspx and (any needed page) in Sharepoint Designer.

2) Select one of the link  in Categories  XsltListViewWebpart

3) Click the HyperLinkOptions button.

4) Change the default value of
{$HttpVDir}/{$thisNode/../@resource.wss.lists_Folder}/{$thisNode/../@resource.wss.blogcategories_Folder}/Category.aspx?CategoryId={$thisNode/@ID}&Name={$CategoryTitle} as

5) Repeat same options for all needed pages.

And Open and Check  again your blog page :

(For who know Turkish the word of “Şeçme” have a little typo correct word is “Seçme” . Dont worry about it . i am not get all screenshot again for fixing this :)
