边工作边刷题:70天一遍leetcode: day 42-2

Sum of Two Integers


  • 基本原理就是a^b得到无进位和,a&b得到carry并左移继续计算,这个算法适用于negative因为signed integer都是2’s complement表示的,所以加法都是统一算法。
  • 上述算法只适合java,python因为自动整数越界为long。用python要用0x10000000 (33位)做mask取模保持int。


  • 开始最好把a作为res,b作为carry,所以loop条件是b>0
  • a和b会变化,所以要把旧值先存下,这点python可以同时赋值
class Solution(object):
    def getSum(self, a, b):
        :type a: int
        :type b: int
        :rtype: int
        MAX_INT = 0x7FFFFFFF
        MIN_INT = 0x80000000
        MASK = 0x100000000
        while b:
            a,b = (a^b) % MASK, ((a&b)<<1 % MASK)
        return a if a<=MAX_INT else (a % MIN_INT)-MIN_INT
        # # print bin(a),bin(b)
        # res, carry = a ^ b, (a & b)<<1 # error 2: don't forget shift left
        # while carry:
        #     r = res^carry
        #     #print bin(res), bin(carry)
        #     carry = (res & carry) << 1 # error 1: order: should be last res and last carry
        #     #print bin(res), bin(carry)
        #     res = r
        # return res