[Vue warn]: Property "visible" must be accessed with "$data.visible" because properties starting with "$" or "_" are not proxied in the Vue instance to prevent conflicts with Vue internal.

  vue + element = vue-element-admin


    [Vue warn]: vue.runtime.esm.js:619 [Vue warn]: data functions should return an object:

    [Vue warn]: Property "visible" must be accessed with "$data.visible" because properties starting with "$" or "_" are not proxied in the Vue instance to prevent conflicts with Vue internal.

    [Vue warn]: vue.runtime.esm.js:619 [Vue warn]: Property "type" must be accessed with "$data.type"

    [Vue warn]: Property "center" must be accessed with "$data.center"

    [Vue warn]: vue.runtime.esm.js:619 [Vue warn]: Property "showClose" must be accessed with "$data.showClose"

    [Vue warn]: Property "iconClass" must be accessed with "$data.iconClass"

    [Vue warn]: Property "dangerouslyUseHTMLString" must be accessed with "$data.dangerouslyUseHTMLString"

    [Vue warn]: Property "message" must be accessed with "$data.message"

    [Vue warn]: Property "showClose" must be accessed with "$data.showClose"



修改permission文件中的 Message.error(error || 'Has Error') 为 Message.error(‘Has Error')

