
// 面试题35:复杂链表的复制
// 题目:请实现函数ComplexListNode* Clone(ComplexListNode* pHead),复
// 制一个复杂链表。在复杂链表中,每个结点除了有一个m_pNext指针指向下一个
// 结点外,还有一个m_pSibling 指向链表中的任意结点或者nullptr。

#include <cstdio>
#include "ComplexList.h"

void CloneNodes(ComplexListNode* pHead);
void ConnectSiblingNodes(ComplexListNode* pHead);
ComplexListNode* ReconnectNodes(ComplexListNode* pHead);

ComplexListNode* Clone(ComplexListNode* pHead)
    return ReconnectNodes(pHead);

void CloneNodes(ComplexListNode* pHead) //复制链表到每个节点后
    ComplexListNode* pNode = pHead;

    while (pNode != nullptr)
        ComplexListNode* pCloned = new ComplexListNode();
        pCloned->m_nValue = pNode->m_nValue; //复制当前节点
        pCloned->m_pNext = pNode->m_pNext;
        pCloned->m_pSibling = nullptr;

        pNode->m_pNext = pCloned; //当前节点指向复制节点

        pNode = pCloned->m_pNext; //下一位

void ConnectSiblingNodes(ComplexListNode* pHead) //连接随机节点
    ComplexListNode* pNode = pHead;

    while (pNode != nullptr)
        ComplexListNode* pCloned = pNode->m_pNext;
        if (pNode->m_pSibling != nullptr)
            pCloned->m_pSibling = pNode->m_pSibling->m_pNext; //复制节点的随机节点 = 当前节点随机节点的下一位

        pNode = pCloned->m_pNext; //下一位


ComplexListNode* ReconnectNodes(ComplexListNode* pHead)  //断开连接
    ComplexListNode* pNode = pHead;
    ComplexListNode* pClonedHead = nullptr;
    ComplexListNode* pClonedNode = nullptr;

     if (pNode != nullptr) //设置头节点
         pClonedHead = pNode->m_pNext; //复制序列头节点
         pClonedNode = pNode->m_pNext;

         pNode->m_pNext = pClonedNode->m_pNext; //原序列头节点
         pNode = pNode->m_pNext;
    while (pNode != nullptr) //交替变换位置 拆分
        pClonedNode->m_pNext = pNode->m_pNext; //原序列下一位即复制序列
        pClonedNode = pClonedNode->m_pNext; //下一位复制节点

        pNode->m_pNext = pClonedNode->m_pNext;
        pNode = pNode->m_pNext;
    return pClonedHead;
// ====================测试代码====================
void Test(const char* testName, ComplexListNode* pHead)
    if (testName != nullptr)
        printf("%s begins:
", testName);

    printf("The original list is:

    ComplexListNode* pClonedHead = Clone(pHead);

    printf("The cloned list is:

//          -----------------
//         |/              |
//  1-------2-------3-------4-------5
//  |       |      /|             /|
//  --------+--------               |
//          -------------------------
void Test1()
    ComplexListNode* pNode1 = CreateNode(1);
    ComplexListNode* pNode2 = CreateNode(2);
    ComplexListNode* pNode3 = CreateNode(3);
    ComplexListNode* pNode4 = CreateNode(4);
    ComplexListNode* pNode5 = CreateNode(5);

    BuildNodes(pNode1, pNode2, pNode3);
    BuildNodes(pNode2, pNode3, pNode5);
    BuildNodes(pNode3, pNode4, nullptr);
    BuildNodes(pNode4, pNode5, pNode2);

    Test("Test1", pNode1);

// m_pSibling指向结点自身
//          -----------------
//         |/              |
//  1-------2-------3-------4-------5
//         |       | /|           /|
//         |       | --             |
//         |------------------------|
void Test2()
    ComplexListNode* pNode1 = CreateNode(1);
    ComplexListNode* pNode2 = CreateNode(2);
    ComplexListNode* pNode3 = CreateNode(3);
    ComplexListNode* pNode4 = CreateNode(4);
    ComplexListNode* pNode5 = CreateNode(5);

    BuildNodes(pNode1, pNode2, nullptr);
    BuildNodes(pNode2, pNode3, pNode5);
    BuildNodes(pNode3, pNode4, pNode3);
    BuildNodes(pNode4, pNode5, pNode2);

    Test("Test2", pNode1);

// m_pSibling形成环
//          -----------------
//         |/              |
//  1-------2-------3-------4-------5
//          |              /|
//          |               |
//          |---------------|
void Test3()
    ComplexListNode* pNode1 = CreateNode(1);
    ComplexListNode* pNode2 = CreateNode(2);
    ComplexListNode* pNode3 = CreateNode(3);
    ComplexListNode* pNode4 = CreateNode(4);
    ComplexListNode* pNode5 = CreateNode(5);

    BuildNodes(pNode1, pNode2, nullptr);
    BuildNodes(pNode2, pNode3, pNode4);
    BuildNodes(pNode3, pNode4, nullptr);
    BuildNodes(pNode4, pNode5, pNode2);

    Test("Test3", pNode1);

// 只有一个结点
void Test4()
    ComplexListNode* pNode1 = CreateNode(1);
    BuildNodes(pNode1, nullptr, pNode1);

    Test("Test4", pNode1);

// 鲁棒性测试
void Test5()
    Test("Test5", nullptr);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    return 0;
#pragma once

struct ComplexListNode
    int                 m_nValue;
    ComplexListNode*    m_pNext;
    ComplexListNode*    m_pSibling;

ComplexListNode* CreateNode(int nValue);
void BuildNodes(ComplexListNode* pNode, ComplexListNode* pNext, ComplexListNode* pSibling);
void PrintList(ComplexListNode* pHead);
#include <cstdio>
#include "ComplexList.h"

ComplexListNode* CreateNode(int nValue)
    ComplexListNode* pNode = new ComplexListNode();
    pNode->m_nValue = nValue;
    pNode->m_pNext = nullptr;
    pNode->m_pSibling = nullptr;

    return pNode;

void BuildNodes(ComplexListNode* pNode, ComplexListNode* pNext, ComplexListNode* pSibling)
    if(pNode != nullptr)
        pNode->m_pNext = pNext;
        pNode->m_pSibling = pSibling;

void PrintList(ComplexListNode* pHead)
    ComplexListNode* pNode = pHead;
    while(pNode != nullptr)
        printf("The value of this node is: %d.
", pNode->m_nValue);

        if(pNode->m_pSibling != nullptr)
            printf("The value of its sibling is: %d.
", pNode->m_pSibling->m_nValue);
            printf("This node does not have a sibling.


        pNode = pNode->m_pNext;


struct RandomListNode {
    int label;
    struct RandomListNode *next, *random;
    RandomListNode(int x) :
            label(x), next(NULL), random(NULL) {
class Solution {
    RandomListNode* Clone(RandomListNode* pHead)
        return ReconnectNodes(pHead);
    void CloneNodes(RandomListNode* pHead)
        RandomListNode* pNode = pHead;
        while(pNode != nullptr)
            RandomListNode* pCloned = new RandomListNode(pNode->label);
            pCloned->label = pNode->label;
            pCloned->next = pNode->next;
            pCloned->random = nullptr;
            pNode->next = pCloned;
            pNode = pCloned->next;
    void ConnectSiblingNodes(RandomListNode* pHead)
        RandomListNode* pNode = pHead;
        while(pNode != nullptr)
            RandomListNode* pCloned = pNode->next;
            if (pNode->random != nullptr)
                pCloned->random = pNode->random->next;
            pNode = pCloned->next;
    RandomListNode* ReconnectNodes(RandomListNode* pHead)
        RandomListNode* pNode = pHead;
        RandomListNode* pClonedHead = nullptr;
        RandomListNode* pClonedNode = nullptr;
        if (pNode != nullptr)
            pClonedHead = pNode->next;
            pClonedNode = pNode->next;
            pNode->next = pClonedNode->next;
            pNode = pNode->next;
        while (pNode != nullptr)
            pClonedNode->next = pNode->next;
            pClonedNode = pClonedNode->next;
            pNode->next = pClonedNode->next;
            pNode = pNode->next;
        return pClonedHead;