[翻译] ZLHistogramAudioPlot


A hardware-accelerated audio visualization view using EZAudio, inspired by AudioCopy. ZLHistogramAudioPlot was originally developed for Murmur.


Preview - 预览



You can install ZLHistogramAudioPlot through CocoaPods adding the following to your Podfile:


pod 'ZLHistogramAudioPlot'

Usage - 使用

Checkout the demo app for an example.

下载demo app来看源码吧:

Customizable attributes:


/// The upper bound of the frequency range the audio plot will display. Default:
/// 10000Hz
@property (nonatomic) float maxFrequency;

/// The lower bound of the frequency range the audio plot will display. Default:
/// 1200Hz
@property (nonatomic) float minFrequency;

/// The number of bins in the audio plot. Default: 30
@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger numOfBins;

/// The padding of each bin in percent width. Default: 0.1
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat padding;

/// The gain applied to the height of each bin. Default: 10
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat gain;

/// A float that specifies the vertical gravitational acceleration applied to
/// each bin. Default: 10 pixel/sec^2
@property (nonatomic) float gravity;

/// The color of all bins in the audio plot.
@property (strong, nonatomic) UIColor *color;

/// An array of color objects defining the color of each bin in the audio plot.
/// If not set, the color attribute will be used instead. Currently only
/// supported by plot type EZPlotTypeBuffer.
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray *colors;

Dependencies - 依赖关系

  • ZLHistogramAudioPlot is a subclass of EZAudioPlot. It requires EZAudioZLHistogramAudioPlot继承自EZAudioPlot,它需要EZAudio框架支持
  • It also requires Accelerate framework for hardware acceleration. 他也需要Accelerate来支持硬件加速

Compatibilty - 兼容性

ZLHistogramAudioPlot uses the following interface provided by EZAudio to get audio data:


- (void)updateBuffer:(float *)buffer withBufferSize:(UInt32)bufferSize;

It can be easily modified to work with Audio Unit and Core Audio.

你也可以简单的修改到支持 Audio Unit 与 Core Audio

Requirements - 需要的环境

  • iOS 6 or higher. iOS 6 + 
  • Automatic Reference Counting (ARC). ARC


ZLHistogramAudioPlot is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
