Golang中的面向对象 Yang

package main

import (

func main() {
	//func(r ReceiverType) funcName(parameters)(results)
		rectangle := Rectangle{5.1, 6.5}
		fmt.Printf("The Rectangle's area is %f\n", rectangle.area())

		circle := Circle{5.0}
		fmt.Printf("The Circle's area is %f\n", circle.area())

	//method 可以定义在任何你自定义的类型、内置类型、struct等各种类型上面
	//type ages int
	//type money float32
	//type months map[string]int

	//如果一个method的receiver是T,你可以在一个*T类型的变量P上面调用这个method,而不需要 *P去调用这个method
		box := Box{10, 20, 10, "white"}
		fmt.Printf("The Box's color is %s\n", box.color)
		fmt.Printf("The Box's color is %s\n", box.color)

	stu := student{Human{"yang", 26, "13883987410"}, "028110"}

	//method的继承 重写
	emp := employee{Human{"alex", 27, "15920580257"}, "010"}


type Rectangle struct {
	width  float32
	length float32

func (r Rectangle) area() float32 {
	return r.width * r.length

type Circle struct {
	r float64

func (c Circle) area() float64 {
	return c.r * c.r * math.Pi

type Color string
type Box struct {
	width, length, depth float32
	color                Color

func (T *Box) setColor(c Color) {

	T.color = c
	//*T.color = c

type Human struct {
	name  string
	age   int
	phone string

type student struct {
	schoolNum string

type employee struct {
	employeeNo string

func (h *Human) sayHi() {
	fmt.Printf("Hi,I'm %s,I'm %d years old and my phone number is %s\n", h.name, h.age, h.phone)

func (e employee) sayHi() {
	fmt.Printf("Hi,I'm %s,I'm %d years old , my phone number is %s and my employee number is %s", e.Human.name, e.Human.age, e.Human.phone, e.employeeNo)