





3、Java's monitor supports two kinds of thread synchronization: mutual exclusion and cooperation


it might make sense to have ten FIFO queues, one for each priority a thread can have inside the Java virtual machine. The virtual machine could then choose the thread that has been waiting the longest in the highest priority queue that contains any waiting threads. 、


In the Java virtual machine, every object and class is logically associated with a monitor. For objects, the associated monitor protects the object's instance variables. For classes, the monitor protects the class's class variables. If an object has no instance variables, or a class has no class variables, the associated monitor protects no data.





1、If you compare these bytecodes with the ones shown earlier for KitchenSync's reverseOrder() method, you will see that these bytecodes are in effect those of KitchenSync with the support for entering and exiting the monitor removed. 2、Instructions at offset 0 through 56 of HeatSync's bytecodes correspond to instructions at offset 4 through 68 of KitchenSync's bytecodes. Because HeatSync's reverseOrder() method doesn't need a local variable slot to store the reference to the locked object, the local variable positions used by each method are different. The function of the instructions themselves, however, match up exactly.

3、Another difference between the two reverseOrder() methods is that the compiler doesn't create an exception table for HeatSync's reverseOrder() method. In HeatSync's case, an exception table isn't necessary. When this method is invoked, the Java virtual machine automatically acquires the lock on the this object. If this method completes abruptly, just as if it completes normally, the virtual machine will release the lock on the this object automatically.

