
As we all know that long2ip works as ip1.ip2.ip3.ip4 (

long ip => (ip1 * 256 * 256 * 256) + (ip2 * 256 * 256) + (ip3 * 256) + ip4
2072242132 => (123 * 256 * 256 * 256) + (131 * 256 * 256) + (231 * 256) + 212
But what would be pseudo code for converting this number back into an IP address?

Also what would be the most suitable way to store IP addresses in MySQL for a traffic analytics website which will have about over 500 
IP lookups per second? Would it be better if a table with unique IDs is created for every single IP and then that is used for lookups? Thanks
$long = ip2long("");

$ip = array();
array_unshift($ip, $long & 0xFF);
array_unshift($ip, ($long >>= 8) & 0xFF);
array_unshift($ip, ($long >>= 8) & 0xFF);
array_unshift($ip, ($long >>= 8) & 0xFF);

// $ip =
// Array
// (
//     [0] => 123
//     [1] => 131
//     [2] => 231
//     [3] => 212
// )




public function ipToLong(){ 
$ip = explode('.', $ip); 
$ip = array_reverse($ip);//数组反转 
$r = 0; 
for($i=0,$j=count($ip); $i<$j; $i++){ 
$r += $ip[$i] * pow(256, $i); 
$r = sprintf("%u", $r); 
echo $r; 


public function ipToLong(){ 
$ip = explode('.',$ip); 
$r = ($ip[0] << 24) | ($ip[1] << 16) | ($ip[2] << 8) | $ip[3]; 
if($r < 0) $r += 4294967296; 
echo $r ; 

两个结果在本地服务器中的结果都是3232235877,运用的ip是192.168.1.101。我们用ping 和 ping 3232235877来进行检测,看是否一样。
