代软件工程 第一章概论习题第10题 李艳薇


software : The term "software" was first proposed by Alan Turing and used in this sense by John W. Tukey in 1957.

software engineering : The origins of the term "software engineering" have been attributed to different sources, but it was used in 1968 as a title for the world's first conference on software engineering, sponsored and facilitated by NATO

waterfall model : The first formal description of the waterfall model is often cited as a 1970 article by Winston W. Royce

The earliest use of the term "waterfall" may have been in a 1976 paper by Bell and Thayer

Code Complete:  it is a software development book, written by Steve McConnell and published in 1993 by Microsoft Press

Agile methodology:  Jim Highsmith (2001). "History: The Agile Manifesto"
