C++ 实现链表常用功能


typedef struct node 
	int data;
	struct node* next;
} Node;

class LinkListUtil

	Node* createByArray(int arr[], int len);

	int getLenght(Node *head);

	void println(Node *head);

	Node* remove(Node *head, int num);

	//Insert element into the link list by the index.
	//if index is -1 then insert the num into the link list end.
	Node* insert(Node *head, int num, int index = -1);

	Node* sort(Node *head);

	Node* reserve(Node *head);

	Node* removeHead(Node *head);


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "LinkListUtil.h"



Node* LinkListUtil::createByArray(int arr[], int len)
	//Declare head node, previous node, new node.
	Node *head, *p, *n;

	//Init head node.
	head = new Node();

	p = head;

	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
		n = new Node();
		n->data = arr[i];
		p->next = n;
		p = n;
	head = head->next;
	//head->next = nullptr;	//?
	return head;

int LinkListUtil::getLenght(Node *node)
	int len = 0;
	Node *temp = node;
	while (temp != nullptr)
		temp = temp->next;
	return len;

void LinkListUtil::println(Node *node)
	Node *temp = node;
	while (temp != nullptr)
		printf("the node data is : %d
", temp->data);
		temp = temp->next;

Node* LinkListUtil::remove(Node *head, int num)
	Node *temp = head;
	Node *pre = nullptr;
	//find the node
	while (temp != nullptr)
		if (temp->data != num)
			pre = temp;
			temp = temp->next;
	if (pre == nullptr)
		head = head->next;
	else {
		pre->next = temp->next;
	delete temp;
	return head;

Node* LinkListUtil::insert(Node *head, int num, int index)
	int len = getLenght(head);
	if (index >= len) 
		printf("The index is greater than the length of link list!
		return head;
	Node *temp = head;
	Node *pre = nullptr;
	//if index is -1 then insert the num into the link list end.
	int tempIndex = 0;
	if (index <= -1)
		index = len;
	//find the insert point.
	while (temp != nullptr && index != tempIndex)
		pre = temp;
		temp = temp->next;
	//insert the num.
	Node *nd;
	nd = new Node();
	nd->data = num;
	if (pre == nullptr)
		nd->next = head;
		delete pre, temp;
		return nd;
	else {
		nd->next = temp;
		pre->next = nd;
		return head;

Node* LinkListUtil::sort(Node *head)
	//if only has one element or none elements
	if (head == nullptr || head->next == nullptr)
		return head;

	Node *p0, *p1;
	int temp = 0;
	p0 = head;
	//bubble sort
	while (p0 != nullptr && p0->next != nullptr)
		p1 = p0->next;
		while (p1 != nullptr)
			if (p0->data > p1->data)
				temp = p0->data;
				p0->data = p1->data;
				p1->data = temp;
			p1 = p1->next;
		p0 = p0->next;
	return head;

Node* LinkListUtil::reserve(Node *head)
	//if only has one element or none elements
	if (head == nullptr || head->next == nullptr)
		return head;

	Node *p0, *p1, *p2;
	p0 = head;
	p1 = p0->next;
	while (p1 != nullptr)
		p2 = p1->next;
		p1->next = p0;
		p0 = p1;
		p1 = p2;
	head->next = nullptr;
	return p0;

Node* LinkListUtil::removeHead(Node *head)
	//if only has one element or none elements
	if (head == nullptr || head->next == nullptr)
		return head;
	Node *p0;
	p0 = head->next;
	head->next = p0->next;
	head = p0;
	return head;

// Win32Project2.cpp 

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>  
#include <string>  
#include <assert.h>

#include "LinkListUtil.h"

using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

	int arr[5] {3, 1, 9, 4, 6};

	auto linkList = new LinkListUtil();
	auto head = linkList->createByArray(arr, 5);
	//Get linkList size;
	auto len = linkList->getLenght(head);
	printf("LinkList's length:%d
", len);

	printf("Print LinkList:

	printf("Remove element 1 and print LinkList:
	head = linkList->remove(head, 1);

	printf("Insert element 5 into the index 1 and print LinkList:
	head = linkList->insert(head, 5, 1);

	printf("Insert element 2 into the end and print LinkList:
	head = linkList->insert(head, 2);

	printf("Bubble sort:
	head = linkList->sort(head);

	head = linkList->reserve(head);

	printf("remove head:
	head = linkList->removeHead(head);
	delete linkList;
	return 0;
