Flume Channel 和 Source 的结构有一定的相似性。
Channel 和 AbstractChannel 都 定义好了channel的结构。

不过Channel 需要一个事务(Transaction)来保证数据的一致性,而且这个事务必须是线程安全的,并且高效。
这一章主要学习的地方就是Transaction 的设计。


public interface Transaction {

  enum TransactionState { Started, Committed, RolledBack, Closed }
  void begin();
  void commit();
  void rollback();
  void close();


抽象类 BasicTransactionSemantics 实现了 Transaction。并且为channel的每个行为构建了上下文环境。Transaction 有4种不同的状态,不同的行为会导致不同的状态。

  protected static enum State {
  • 当BasicTransactionSemantics初始化的时候,为NEW状态。
  • 当BasicTransactionSemantics 运行begin后,为OPEN状态。
  • 当commit 或者 rollback 后,状态为COMPLETED。
  • 不再做任何事情了,状态就为 CLOSED。


BasicChannelSemantics 继承了 AbstractChannel,来实现 channel 的两个基本动作,put 和take。

BasicChannelSemantics 使用了ThreadLocal 来保存BasicTransactionSemantics 对象,这样每个线程就有一个独立的 BasicTransactionSemantics 对象。
put和take函数没什么好说的,里面是调用BasicTransactionSemantics 的方法。

getTransaction 函数 比较像单例模式初始化对象。

  public Transaction getTransaction() {
    if (!initialized) {
      synchronized (this) {
        if (!initialized) {
          initialized = true;
//获取当前的transaction,transaction 不存在,或者transaction 已经处于CLOSED状态,就再创建一个。
    BasicTransactionSemantics transaction = currentTransaction.get();
    if (transaction == null || transaction.getState().equals(
            BasicTransactionSemantics.State.CLOSED)) {
      transaction = createTransaction();
    return transaction;

因为我经常使用MemoryChannel ,所以这里记录下MemoryChannel 的实现。这里贴一张类图。


MemoryChannel 是将event放入内存中进行保存,并且能够同时按顺序进行写入和读取。要做这样一件事情,需要考虑到以下几点:

  • 要合理的规划内存,不能够OOM。
  • 要保证一个好的性能。
  • 要保证线程安全。


  • 在内存中保存,并且可以按顺序进行读写,那就选择队列了。
  • 要合理的规划内存就必须要对内存进行管理,MemoryChannel 使用了 slot进行管理,而不是直接对bytes进行操作,为什么呢,我也不是很明白,如果非要加一个理由,就是管理方便吧。(我想起redis也是用slot来管理,后面可以找找资料学习下)
  • 要在多线程的情况中要保证性能好,就不能够来个event处理一个,最好是批量操作,批量操作并且保证数据只被处理一次,那就用事务来保证。
  • 要保证线程安全,第一要保证同一时刻对队列进行写操作,这就需要锁。同时要对线程进行同步,例如只有队列中有东西了, 才能够进行take操作。


  • MemoryChannel使用了一个LinkedBlockingDeque<Event> queue 来保存event数据,对于BlockQueue,可以看这里
  • MemoryChannel使用了Semaphore bytesRemaining 进行内存管理。Semaphore bytesRemaining里面保存了整个channel中剩余的容量,里面保存的并不是byte大小,而是slot个数。在往队列queue 中插入添加events 的时候,需要从bytesRemaining中申请资源。在从queue中取出events后,需要bytesRemaining释放占的这部分资源。
  • 要保证性能,就需要进行批操作,同时保证数据一致性,就考虑用事务。MemoryChannel使用了putList和takeList来保存需要添加到queue和从queue中取出的数据,并通过事务的commit来进行批操作。在内部定义了一个MemoryTransaction类,它继承BasicTransactionSemantics,并实现put,take,commit,rollback。
  • 保证线程安全,MemoryChannel 使用 queueLock 进行互斥操作。
  • 同时为了进行线程同步,设置两个 Semaphore.
    • queueRemaining 这个是记录队列的剩余容量的信号量,这个信号量的计算方式为queue.remaining - takeList.size(),这样子,channel就有足够的容量进行rollback。
    • queueStored 保存了queue中event的个数,take的时候,会试着去tryAcquire。
public class MemoryChannel extends BasicChannelSemantics {
  private static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MemoryChannel.class);
  private static final Integer defaultCapacity = 100;
  private static final Integer defaultTransCapacity = 100;
  private static final double byteCapacitySlotSize = 100;
  private static final Long defaultByteCapacity = (long)(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() * .80);
  private static final Integer defaultByteCapacityBufferPercentage = 20;

  private static final Integer defaultKeepAlive = 3;

  private class MemoryTransaction extends BasicTransactionSemantics {
    private LinkedBlockingDeque<Event> takeList;
    private LinkedBlockingDeque<Event> putList;
    private final ChannelCounter channelCounter;
    private int putByteCounter = 0;
    private int takeByteCounter = 0;

    public MemoryTransaction(int transCapacity, ChannelCounter counter) {
      putList = new LinkedBlockingDeque<Event>(transCapacity);
      takeList = new LinkedBlockingDeque<Event>(transCapacity);

      channelCounter = counter;

     * 将 event 添加到putList
     * **/
    protected void doPut(Event event) throws InterruptedException {
      int eventByteSize = (int) Math.ceil(estimateEventSize(event) / byteCapacitySlotSize);
      if (!putList.offer(event)) {
        throw new ChannelException(
            "Put queue for MemoryTransaction of capacity " +
            putList.size() + " full, consider committing more frequently, " +
            "increasing capacity or increasing thread count");
      putByteCounter += eventByteSize;

    * 从queue 里面获取一个event放到takeList里面
    * */
    protected Event doTake() throws InterruptedException {
      if (takeList.remainingCapacity() == 0) {
        throw new ChannelException("Take list for MemoryTransaction, capacity " +
            takeList.size() + " full, consider committing more frequently, " +
            "increasing capacity, or increasing thread count");
      //获取信号量,queueStored这个信号量是在commit中被release 的
      if (!queueStored.tryAcquire(keepAlive, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
        return null;
      Event event;
      synchronized (queueLock) {
        event = queue.poll();
      Preconditions.checkNotNull(event, "Queue.poll returned NULL despite semaphore " +
          "signalling existence of entry");
      //记录takeList 的容量大小
      int eventByteSize = (int) Math.ceil(estimateEventSize(event) / byteCapacitySlotSize);
      takeByteCounter += eventByteSize;

      return event;

     * bytesRemaining 保存了整个channel中剩余的容量,里面保存的并不是byte大小,而是slot大小
     * 如果takeList.size() 小于 putList.size()
     * */
    protected void doCommit() throws InterruptedException {

      int remainingChange = takeList.size() - putList.size();
      //如果takeList 的容量 小于putList 的容量
      if (remainingChange < 0) {
        if (!bytesRemaining.tryAcquire(putByteCounter, keepAlive, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
          throw new ChannelException("Cannot commit transaction. Byte capacity " +
              "allocated to store event body " + byteCapacity * byteCapacitySlotSize +
              "reached. Please increase heap space/byte capacity allocated to " +
              "the channel as the sinks may not be keeping up with the sources");
        if (!queueRemaining.tryAcquire(-remainingChange, keepAlive, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
          throw new ChannelFullException("Space for commit to queue couldn't be acquired." +
              " Sinks are likely not keeping up with sources, or the buffer size is too tight");

      int puts = putList.size();
      int takes = takeList.size();
      synchronized (queueLock) {
        if (puts > 0) {
          while (!putList.isEmpty()) {
            if (!queue.offer(putList.removeFirst())) {
              throw new RuntimeException("Queue add failed, this shouldn't be able to happen");
      //释放takeList 占用的内存
      takeByteCounter = 0;
      putByteCounter = 0;
      if (remainingChange > 0) {
      if (puts > 0) {
      if (takes > 0) {


    //rollback就是将takeList 的内容放回queue中
    protected void doRollback() {
      int takes = takeList.size();
      synchronized (queueLock) {
        Preconditions.checkState(queue.remainingCapacity() >= takeList.size(),
            "Not enough space in memory channel " +
            "queue to rollback takes. This should never happen, please report");
        while (!takeList.isEmpty()) {
      putByteCounter = 0;
      takeByteCounter = 0;



  // lock to guard queue, mainly needed to keep it locked down during resizes
  // it should never be held through a blocking operation
  private Object queueLock = new Object();

  @GuardedBy(value = "queueLock")
  private LinkedBlockingDeque<Event> queue;

  // invariant that tracks the amount of space remaining in the queue(with all uncommitted takeLists deducted)
  // we maintain the remaining permits = queue.remaining - takeList.size()
  // this allows local threads waiting for space in the queue to commit without denying access to the
  // shared lock to threads that would make more space on the queue
  //这个是记录队列的剩余容量的信号量,这个信号量的计算方式为queue.remaining - takeList.size(),
  private Semaphore queueRemaining;

  // used to make "reservations" to grab data from the queue.
  // by using this we can block for a while to get data without locking all other threads out
  // like we would if we tried to use a blocking call on queue
  private Semaphore queueStored;

  // maximum items in a transaction queue
  private volatile Integer transCapacity;
  private volatile int keepAlive;
  private volatile int byteCapacity;
  private volatile int lastByteCapacity;
  private volatile int byteCapacityBufferPercentage;
  private Semaphore bytesRemaining;
  private ChannelCounter channelCounter;

  public MemoryChannel() {

   * Read parameters from context
   * <li>capacity = type long that defines the total number of events allowed at one time in the queue.
   * <li>transactionCapacity = type long that defines the total number of events allowed in one transaction.
   * <li>byteCapacity = type long that defines the max number of bytes used for events in the queue.
   * <li>byteCapacityBufferPercentage = type int that defines the percent of buffer between byteCapacity and the estimated event size.
   * <li>keep-alive = type int that defines the number of second to wait for a queue permit
  public void configure(Context context) {
    Integer capacity = null;
    try {
      capacity = context.getInteger("capacity", defaultCapacity);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      capacity = defaultCapacity;
      LOGGER.warn("Invalid capacity specified, initializing channel to "
          + "default capacity of {}", defaultCapacity);

    if (capacity <= 0) {
      capacity = defaultCapacity;
      LOGGER.warn("Invalid capacity specified, initializing channel to "
          + "default capacity of {}", defaultCapacity);
    try {
      transCapacity = context.getInteger("transactionCapacity", defaultTransCapacity);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      transCapacity = defaultTransCapacity;
      LOGGER.warn("Invalid transation capacity specified, initializing channel"
          + " to default capacity of {}", defaultTransCapacity);

    if (transCapacity <= 0) {
      transCapacity = defaultTransCapacity;
      LOGGER.warn("Invalid transation capacity specified, initializing channel"
          + " to default capacity of {}", defaultTransCapacity);
    Preconditions.checkState(transCapacity <= capacity,
        "Transaction Capacity of Memory Channel cannot be higher than " +
            "the capacity.");

    try {
      byteCapacityBufferPercentage = context.getInteger("byteCapacityBufferPercentage",
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      byteCapacityBufferPercentage = defaultByteCapacityBufferPercentage;

    try {
      //内存容量的大小  * 容量比例 / byteCapacitySlotSize
      byteCapacity = (int) ((context.getLong("byteCapacity", defaultByteCapacity).longValue() *
          (1 - byteCapacityBufferPercentage * .01)) / byteCapacitySlotSize);
      if (byteCapacity < 1) {
        byteCapacity = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      byteCapacity = (int) ((defaultByteCapacity * (1 - byteCapacityBufferPercentage * .01)) /

    try {
      keepAlive = context.getInteger("keep-alive", defaultKeepAlive);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      keepAlive = defaultKeepAlive;
    if (queue != null) {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    } else {
      synchronized (queueLock) {
        queue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<Event>(capacity);
        //注意,这个queueRemaining 只会在这里初始化一次,后面就不会改变了
        queueRemaining = new Semaphore(capacity);
        queueStored = new Semaphore(0);
    //如果bytesRemaining 为空,也就是队列第一次初始化
    if (bytesRemaining == null) {
      bytesRemaining = new Semaphore(byteCapacity);
      lastByteCapacity = byteCapacity;
    } else {
      if (byteCapacity > lastByteCapacity) {
        bytesRemaining.release(byteCapacity - lastByteCapacity);
        lastByteCapacity = byteCapacity;
      } else {
        try {
          if (!bytesRemaining.tryAcquire(lastByteCapacity - byteCapacity, keepAlive,
                                         TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
            LOGGER.warn("Couldn't acquire permits to downsize the byte capacity, resizing has been aborted");
          } else {
            lastByteCapacity = byteCapacity;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    if (channelCounter == null) {
      channelCounter = new ChannelCounter(getName());

  private void resizeQueue(int capacity) throws InterruptedException {

    int oldCapacity;
    synchronized (queueLock) {
      //获取旧的队列的容量,话说这个不就是queue.capacity 么
      oldCapacity = queue.size() + queue.remainingCapacity() ;
    //如果旧的队列容量 等于 新的队列容量,就不做任何操作
    if (oldCapacity == capacity) {
    //如果旧的队列容量  大于 新的队列容量,就试图获取足够的容量,并将东西付给新队列
    } else if (oldCapacity > capacity) {
      if (!queueRemaining.tryAcquire(oldCapacity - capacity, keepAlive, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
        LOGGER.warn("Couldn't acquire permits to downsize the queue, resizing has been aborted");
      } else {
        synchronized (queueLock) {
          LinkedBlockingDeque<Event> newQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<Event>(capacity);
          queue = newQueue;
    } else {
      synchronized (queueLock) {
        LinkedBlockingDeque<Event> newQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<Event>(capacity);
        queue = newQueue;
      //queueRemaining 释放掉不需要的资源
      queueRemaining.release(capacity - oldCapacity);


ChannelProcessor 是所有channel的入口,Source会通过这个类将event转移到channel中。

在ChannelProcessor 中 最主要是processEventBatch函数。它首先会使用已经指定好的interceptor来对event进行一遍操作。然后再将event 放入对应的channel中。
