MSSQL grant权限

create login test_user with password='123456a.';
create user test_user for login test_user with default_schema=dbo;

grant select,insert,update on GroupTree_gtr to test_user WITH GRANT OPTION

grant all on  MRP_HouseDB to test_user with grant option

Exec sp_helprotect GroupTree_gtr

use [oa_ecology]
exec sp_addlogin 'testuser','testuser.123','oa_ecology'       --添加只允许访问指定表的用户
exec sp_grantdbaccess 'testuser'                                   --添加到数据库
GRANT SELECT , INSERT , UPDATE ,delete, EXECUTE  TO testuser       --授与用户 权限 EXECUTE 是执行存储过程的权限。

grant create table,create view,create function,create PROCEDURE
to testuser  WITH GRANT OPTION;
