python string

1. 去掉字符串末尾的数字。

>> import string 
>> string.digits
>>> t = 'book12345'
>>> t.rstrip(string.digits)

2. 删除字符串末尾的字符,参考:

# Python rstrip() 删除string 字符串末尾的指定字符(默认为空格)。
# 参数:chars: --指定 删除的字符
# 返回值: 返回删除string字符串末尾的指定字符后生成的新的字符串。
#Example 如下
>>> a = 'Hello   '
>>> a.rstrip()
>>> a = 'Hello 888'
>>> a.rstrip('8')
'Hello '


>>> import re
>>> s = 'Hello (World)! I {Love} you!'
>>> a = re.sub(u"\(.*?\)|\{.*?}|\[.*?]", "", s)
>>> a
'Hello ! I  you!'
import pandas as pd
import string
import re
energy = pd.read_excel('Energy Indicators.xls', usecols=[2,3,4,5], skiprows=16, skipfooter=38, na_values=['...'])
energy1 = energy.drop([0])

for col in energy1.columns:
    if col[:7] == 'Unnamed':
        energy1.rename(columns={col:'Country'}, inplace=True)
    if col[-6:] == 'capita':
        energy1.rename(columns={col:col[:-6] + 'Capita'}, inplace=True)
    if col[-10:] == 'Production':
        energy1.rename(columns={col:'% ' + col[:9]}, inplace=True)

energy1 = energy1.set_index('Country')
for row in energy1.index:
    if row[:17] == "Republic of Korea":
        energy1.rename(index = {row : 'South Korea'}, inplace=True)
    if row[:13] == "United States":
        energy1.rename(index = {row : 'United States'}, inplace=True)
    if row[:14] == "United Kingdom":
        energy1.rename(index = {row : 'United Kingdom'}, inplace=True)
    if row[:16] ==  "China, Hong Kong":
        energy1.rename(index = {row : "Hong Kong"}, inplace=True)
    energy1.rename(index = {row : re.sub(u"\(.*?\)","",row)}, inplace=True) 
    energy1.rename(index = {row : row.rstrip(string.digits)}, inplace=True)
    energy1.rename(index = {row : row.rstrip()}, inplace=True)
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