CodeSmith 又有新版本[4.1]

CodeSmith 4.1

New Feature, EveryBody Browering  
* Changed CodeSmith to auto refresh property values every time a template is run except inside CodeSmith Studio where there is an option to enable this behaviour.
  * Added new "Auto refresh properties" option to CodeSmith Studio that will cause properties to refresh their values before every run.
  * Added new "Refresh Properties" button to the property grid in CodeSmith Studio to force a property value refresh.
  * Added new PropertyRefresher attribute that can be used to specify how CodeSmith should refresh a property's value.
  * Added new RefreshProperties method to CodeTemplate used to force the properties on a template to refresh their values.
  * Added PropertyRefresher support to all SchemaExplorer objects.
  * Added PropertyRefresher support to XmlProperty.
  * Added support for Visual Studio 2008 (Orcas).
  * Added NoWarn attribute to CodeTemplate to allow ignoring warnings.
  * Added new Linq to Sql templates.
  * Added new APOSA templates for the book "Advanced Patterns of Enterprise Architecture".
  * Added a new IDbConnectionStringEditor interface to SchemaExplorer for providers to support connection string editing.
  * Added support for the new IDbConnectionStringEditor interface to the SqlSchemaProvider.
  * Added support for the new IDbConnectionStringEditor interface to the ADOXSchemaProvider.
  * Added Indexes and Keys to the SchemaExplorer tool window in CodeSmith Studio.
  * Added OracleSchemaProvider to CodeSmith installation. (Thanks to Geoff McElhanon)
  * Added MySQLSchemaProvider to CodeSmith installation. (Thanks to David Neal)
  * Added source code for the SqlSchemaProvider to the sample projects folder.
  * Added a MapSample.cst template.
  * Added some merge sample templates.
  * Fixed bug where self referencing foreign key was not being correctly added to the PrimaryKeys collection.
  * Fixed null reference bug in SqlSchemaProvider GetExtendedProperties.
  * Fixed ActiveSnippets bug that was throwing an exception when the user deletes all the templates and clicks OK.
  * Fixed a bug in the CommandWrapperClass.cst template.
  * Fixed a bug that was causing TableSchema to not refresh correctly after calling Refresh.
  * Fixed a bug in the Visual Studio package that was causing the trial license to be shown before any CodeSmith functionality was accessed.
  * Fixed bug in the ActiveSnippet configuration form that caused Visual Studio to crash.
  * Fixed bug with SchemaExplorer control where data sources were not being refreshed correctly.

CodeSmith 4.1.1 Professional (Recommended)
File: CodeSmithProfessional-41.msi   Size: 13,428 KB   Version: 4.1.1

MSI installer containing all CodeSmith Professional features.
CodeSmith 4.1.1 Standard
File: CodeSmithStandard-41.msi   Size: 19,483 KB   Version: 4.1.1

MSI installer containing only CodeSmith Standard features.
CodeSmith 4.1.1
File:   Size: 12,540 KB   Version: 4.1.1

ZIP file containing all CodeSmith Professional features.