C语言 中缀转后缀

 3 #include <stdio.h>
 4 #include <stdlib.h>
 5 #include"stack.h"
 6 #define SIZE 100
 7 #define TYPE char
 8 typedef struct Node* pNode;
 9 typedef struct Node node;
10 typedef pNode Stack;
12 char postfix[SIZE];
14 struct Node
15 {
16     TYPE data;
17     struct Node* next;
18 };
19 int isEmpty(Stack s);
20 void Pop(Stack s);
21 void Push(Stack s,TYPE element);
22 TYPE Top_of_stack(Stack s);
23 Stack CreatStack();
24 void makeEmpty(Stack s);
26 Stack CreatStack()
27 {
28     Stack s=(Stack)malloc(sizeof(node));
29     s->next=NULL;
30     makeEmpty(s);
31     return s;
32 }
33 void makeEmpty(Stack s)
34 {
35     if(s==NULL)
36     printf("you need creat a stack at first");
37     while(!isEmpty(s))
38     Pop(s);
39 }
40 int isEmpty(Stack s)
41 {
42     return s->next==NULL;
43 }
44 void Pop(Stack s)
45 {
46     if(isEmpty(s))
47       printf("Stack is empty");
48     else
49     {
50         pNode temp=s->next;
51         s->next=s->next->next;
52         free(temp);
53     }
55 }
56 void Push(Stack s,TYPE element)
57 {
58     pNode temp=(Stack)malloc(sizeof(node));
59     if(temp)
60     {
61         temp->data=element;
62         temp->next=s->next;
63         s->next=temp;
64     }
65 }
66 TYPE Top_of_stack(Stack s)
67 {
68     if(isEmpty(s))
69     {
70         printf("Stack is empty");
71         return 0;
72     }
73     else
74     return s->next->data;
75 }
78 #endif // STACK_H_INCLUDED
  1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include <stdlib.h>
  3 #include"stack.h"
  4 #define SIZE 100
  6 char postfix[SIZE];
  8 // if op > instack push else pop;
  9 // return the priority of operator of  expression minus
 10 //that of stack  栈外优先级减去栈内优先级
 11 int priority(char op_of_expression,char ch_in_stack)
 12 {
 13     int op=0;
 14     int ch=0;
 15     if(op_of_expression=='+'||op_of_expression=='-')
 16         op=1;
 17     else if(op_of_expression=='*'||op_of_expression=='/')
 18         op=2;
 19     else if(op_of_expression=='(')
 20         op=3;
 21     else
 22       printf("wrong operator");
 24     if(ch_in_stack=='+'||ch_in_stack=='-')
 25         ch=1;
 26     else if(ch_in_stack=='*'||ch_in_stack=='/')
 27         ch=2;
 28     else if(ch_in_stack=='(')
 29         ch=0;
 30     else
 31       printf("wrong operator");
 33       return op-ch;
 34 }
 35 int isOperator(char ch)
 36 {
 37     switch (ch)
 38     {
 39         case'+':
 40         case'-':
 41         case'*':
 42         case'/':
 43         case'(':
 44         case')':
 45             return 1;
 46             break;
 47          default:
 48             return 0;
 49             break;
 50     }
 51 }
 52 void Infix_to_Pofix(char* s)
 53 {
 54      int  index=0;
 56      char ch;
 57      Stack stack=CreatStack();
 58      makeEmpty(stack);
 59      while((ch=*s)!='')
 60      {
 61          if(!isOperator(ch))
 62          {
 63              postfix[index++]=ch;
 64              s++;
 65              if(isOperator(*s)||*s=='')
 66              postfix[index++]='_';
 67          }
 68          else
 69          {
 70              if(isEmpty(stack))
 71             {
 72                 Push(stack,ch);
 73                 s++;
 74                 continue;
 75             }
 76             else
 77             {
 78                 if(ch==')')
 79                 {
 80                     while(!isEmpty(stack)&&Top_of_stack(stack)!='(')
 81                     {
 82                         postfix[index++]=Top_of_stack(stack);
 83                         Pop(stack);
 84                     }
 85                     Pop(stack);
 86                     s++;
 87                     continue;
 88                 }
 89                 else if(priority(ch,Top_of_stack(stack))>0)
 90                 {
 91                     Push(stack,ch);
 92                     s++;
 93                     continue;
 94                 }
 95                 else
 96                 {
 97                     while(!isEmpty(stack)&&priority(ch,Top_of_stack(stack))<=0)
 98                     {
 99                         postfix[index++]=Top_of_stack(stack);
100                         Pop(stack);
101                     }
102                     Push(stack,ch);
103                     s++;
104                     continue;
105                 }
106            // else if(priority(ch,Tops))
107             }
108          }
110      }
111      while(!isEmpty(stack))
112      {
113          postfix[index++]=Top_of_stack(stack);
114          Pop(stack);
115      }
116     //postfix[index++]='';
117 }
119 int compute(char *str)
120 {
121     #undef TYPE
122     #define TYPE int
123     Stack s=CreatStack();
124     makeEmpty(s);
125     int temp_int;
126     while((*str)!='')
127     {
129         if(isdigit(*str))
130         {
131             Push(s,(int)atof(str));
132             //printf("ss%d",(int)atof(str));
133             while(((*str)!='_'))
134             {
135                 str++;
136             }
137               str++;
138         }
139         else if(isOperator((*str)))
140         {
141             switch(*str)
142             {
143             case'*':
144                 temp_int=Top_of_stack(s);
145                 Pop(s);
146                 //printf("%d
147                 temp_int*=Top_of_stack(s);
148                 Pop(s);
149                 Push(s,temp_int);
150                 //printf("%d
151                 break;
152             case'-':
153                 temp_int=Top_of_stack(s);
154                 Pop(s);
155                 //printf("%d
156                 temp_int=Top_of_stack(s)-temp_int;
157                 Pop(s);
158                 Push(s,temp_int);
159                 //printf("%d
160                 break;
161             case'/':
162                 temp_int=Top_of_stack(s);
163                 Pop(s);
164                 //printf("%d
165                 temp_int=Top_of_stack(s)/temp_int;
166                 Pop(s);
167                 Push(s,temp_int);
168                 //printf("%d
169                 break;
170             case'+':
171                 temp_int=Top_of_stack(s);
172                 Pop(s);
173                 //printf("%d
174                 temp_int+=Top_of_stack(s);
175                 Pop(s);
176                 Push(s,temp_int);
177                 //printf("%d
178                 break;
179             default:
180                 printf("wrong");
181                     break;
182             }
183             str++;
184         }
186     }
187     return temp_int;
188 }
191 int main()
192 {
193     char ch[]="10+(3*6-8)/2";
194     Infix_to_Pofix(ch);
195     printf("%s
196     //postfix="134.4";
197   //    printf("%d
198     printf("result:%d
202   return 0;
203 }
阿南 On the way.