
最近在写Blog程序,由于Sql server空间贵...用Access做了..但对于C#操作Access还是有些不了解..想借鉴一下Discuz!NT..没想到找不到事务处理... 


难道都不需要事务处理了? 如何保证数据的完整性?是不是太想当然了?


还是我愚昧找不到保证数据完整性的处理代码? 望高人相助~





  /// <summary>
  /// 删除指定ID的帖子
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="pid">帖子ID</param>
  /// <returns>删除数量</returns>
  public static int DeletePost(string posttableid,int pid)
//   OleDbParameter[] prams = {
//            Database.MakeInParam("@pid",OleDbType.Integer,4,pid)
//           };
   #region 存储过程转sql语句 DeletePost
   int fid=0;
   int tid=0;
   int posterid=0;
   int lastforumposterid=0;
   int layer=0;
   DateTime  postdatetime;
   string  poster="";
   int  postcount=0;
   string  title="";
   int lasttid=0;
   //int postid=0;
   int todaycount=0;

   string fidlist = "";

   string strSQL = "";

   DataTable dt=new DataTable();
   strSQL = "SELECT [fid], [tid], [posterid],[layer], [postdatetime] FROM [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "posts" +posttableid+"] WHERE pid =" + pid;
   DataRow dr=Database.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.Text,strSQL).Tables[0].Rows[0];

   strSQL = "SELECT iif(([parentidlist] is null),'',[parentidlist]) as [fidlist] FROM [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "forums] WHERE [fid] =" + fid;
   fidlist = Database.ExecuteScalarToStr(CommandType.Text,strSQL);
   if (fidlist != "")
    fidlist = string.Concat(fidlist,",",fid.ToString());
    fidlist = fid.ToString();

    // --更新论坛总的回帖数
    strSQL = "UPDATE [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "statistics] SET [totalpost]=[totalpost] - 1";

    // --更新版块内总的回帖数
     strSQL = "UPDATE [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "forums] SET  [posts]=[posts] - 1, [todayposts]=[todayposts]-1 WHERE [fid] in ("+fidlist+")";
     strSQL = "UPDATE [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "forums] SET  [posts]=[posts] - 1  WHERE [fid] in ("+fidlist+")";

    strSQL = "UPDATE [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "users] SET  [posts] = [posts]-1 WHERE [uid] ="+posterid;
    Database.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, strSQL);
    strSQL = "UPDATE [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "topics] SET [replies]=[replies] - 1 WHERE [tid]="+tid;
    Database.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, strSQL);
    strSQL = "DELETE FROM [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "posts" +posttableid+"] WHERE [pid]=" + pid;
    Database.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, strSQL);

                strSQL = "SELECT COUNT([pid]) FROM [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "posts" +posttableid+"] WHERE [tid] = "+tid;
    postcount = Convert.ToInt32(Database.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.Text,strSQL).Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString());
    strSQL = "SELECT COUNT([pid]) FROM [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "posts" +posttableid+"] WHERE [tid] ="+tid+"  AND DATEDIFF(\"d\", [postdatetime], now()) = 0";
    todaycount = Convert.ToInt32(Database.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.Text,strSQL).Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString());
                strSQL = "UPDATE [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "statistics] SET [totaltopic]=[totaltopic] - 1, [totalpost]=[totalpost] -"+postcount;
                strSQL = "UPDATE [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "forums] SET [posts]=[posts] -"+postcount+", [topics]=[topics] - 1,[todayposts]=[todayposts] -"+todaycount+" WHERE [fid] in ("+fidlist+")";
    strSQL = "UPDATE [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "users] SET [posts] = [posts] - "+postcount+ " WHERE [uid] = "+posterid;
    strSQL = "DELETE FROM [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "posts" +posttableid+"] WHERE [tid] = "+tid;
    strSQL = "DELETE FROM [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "topics] WHERE [tid] = "+tid;

   if (layer != 0)
    strSQL = "SELECT TOP 1 [pid], [posterid],[postdatetime], [title], [poster] FROM [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "posts" +posttableid+"] WHERE [tid]="+tid+" ORDER BY [pid] DESC";
     dr= dt.Rows[0];
     strSQL = "UPDATE [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "topics] SET [lastposter]='"+poster+"',[lastpost]='"+postdatetime.ToString()+"',[lastpostid]="+pid+",[lastposterid]="+posterid+" WHERE [tid]="+tid;


   strSQL = "SELECT [lasttid] FROM [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "forums] WHERE [fid] ="+fid;

   if(lasttid == tid)
    strSQL = "SELECT TOP 1 [pid], [tid],[posterid], [title], [poster], [postdatetime] FROM [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "posts" +posttableid+"] WHERE [fid] = "+fid+" ORDER BY [pid] DESC";
     dr= dt.Rows[0];
     if (dr["posterid"] == null)
      lastforumposterid = 0;
     if (dr["title"] == null)
      title = "";
      title= dr["title"].ToString();
     if (dr["poster"] == null)
      poster = "";

     strSQL = "UPDATE [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "forums] SET [lasttid]="+tid+",[lasttitle]='"+title+"',[lastpost]='"+postdatetime+"',[lastposter]='"+poster+"',[lastposterid]="+lastforumposterid+" WHERE [fid] in ("+fidlist+")";

     strSQL = "SELECT TOP 1 [pid], [tid], [posterid], [postdatetime], [title], [poster] FROM [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "posts" +posttableid+"] WHERE [posterid]="+posterid +" ORDER BY [pid] DESC";
     dr= Database.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.Text,strSQL).Tables[0].Rows[0];
     if (dr["title"] == null)
      title = "";
      title= dr["title"].ToString();

     strSQL = "UPDATE [" + BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix + "users] SET [lastpost] = '"+postdatetime+"',[lastpostid] = "+pid+",[lastposttitle] = '"+title+ "'  WHERE [uid] = "+posterid;

   return postcount;
   //return Database.ExecuteNonQuery(System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure,BaseConfigFactory.GetTablePrefix+"deletepost" + posttableid + "bypid",prams);




 CREATE  PROCEDURE dnt_deletepost1bypid
 @pid int

 DECLARE @fid int
 DECLARE @tid int
 DECLARE @posterid int
 DECLARE @lastforumposterid int
 DECLARE @layer int
 DECLARE @postdatetime smalldatetime
 DECLARE @poster varchar(50)
 DECLARE @postcount int
 DECLARE @title nchar(60)
 DECLARE @lasttid int
 DECLARE @postid int
 DECLARE @todaycount int
 SELECT @fid = [fid],@tid = [tid],@posterid = [posterid],@layer = [layer], @postdatetime = [postdatetime] FROM [dnt_posts1] WHERE pid = @pid

 DECLARE @fidlist AS VARCHAR(1000)
 SET @fidlist = '';
 SELECT @fidlist = ISNULL([parentidlist],'') FROM [dnt_forums] WHERE [fid] = @fid
 IF RTRIM(@fidlist)<>''
   SET @fidlist = RTRIM(@fidlist) + ',' + CAST(@fid AS VARCHAR(10))
   SET @fidlist = CAST(@fid AS VARCHAR(10))

 IF @layer<>0

   UPDATE [dnt_statistics] SET [totalpost]=[totalpost] - 1
   UPDATE [dnt_forums] SET
    [posts]=[posts] - 1,
         WHEN DATEPART(yyyy, @postdatetime)=DATEPART(yyyy,GETDATE()) AND DATEPART(mm, @postdatetime)=DATEPART(mm,GETDATE()) AND DATEPART(dd, @postdatetime)=DATEPART(dd,GETDATE()) THEN [todayposts] - 1
         ELSE [todayposts]
   WHERE (CHARINDEX(',' + RTRIM([fid]) + ',', ',' +
        (SELECT @fidlist AS [fid]) + ',') > 0)   
   UPDATE [dnt_users] SET   
    [posts] = [posts] - 1
   WHERE [uid] = @posterid
   UPDATE [dnt_topics] SET [replies]=[replies] - 1 WHERE [tid]=@tid
   DELETE FROM [dnt_posts1] WHERE [pid]=@pid
   SELECT @postcount = COUNT([pid]) FROM [dnt_posts1] WHERE [tid] = @tid
   SELECT @todaycount = COUNT([pid]) FROM [dnt_posts1] WHERE [tid] = @tid AND DATEDIFF(d, [postdatetime], GETDATE()) = 0
   UPDATE [dnt_statistics] SET [totaltopic]=[totaltopic] - 1, [totalpost]=[totalpost] - @postcount
    UPDATE [dnt_forums] SET [posts]=[posts] - @postcount, [topics]=[topics] - 1,[todayposts]=[todayposts] - @todaycount WHERE (CHARINDEX(',' + RTRIM([fid]) + ',', ',' +(SELECT @fidlist AS [fid]) + ',') > 0)
   UPDATE [dnt_users] SET
    [posts] = [posts] - @postcount     
   WHERE [uid] = @posterid
   DELETE FROM [dnt_posts1] WHERE [tid] = @tid
   DELETE FROM [dnt_topics] WHERE [tid] = @tid

IF @layer<>0
   SELECT TOP 1 @pid = [pid], @posterid = [posterid], @postdatetime = [postdatetime], @title = [title], @poster = [poster] FROM [dnt_posts1] WHERE [tid]=@tid ORDER BY [pid] DESC
   UPDATE [dnt_topics] SET [lastposter]=@poster,[lastpost]=@postdatetime,[lastpostid]=@pid,[lastposterid]=@posterid WHERE [tid]=@tid
 SELECT @lasttid = [lasttid] FROM [dnt_forums] WHERE [fid] = @fid
 IF @lasttid = @tid
   SELECT TOP 1 @pid = [pid], @tid = [tid],@lastforumposterid = [posterid], @title = [title], @postdatetime = [postdatetime], @poster = [poster] FROM [dnt_posts1] WHERE [fid] = @fid ORDER BY [pid] DESC
   UPDATE [dnt_forums] SET    
   WHERE (CHARINDEX(',' + RTRIM([fid]) + ',', ',' +
        (SELECT @fidlist AS [fid]) + ',') > 0)   
   SELECT TOP 1 @pid = [pid], @tid = [tid],@posterid = [posterid], @postdatetime = [postdatetime], @title = [title], @poster = [poster] FROM [dnt_posts1] WHERE [posterid]=@posterid ORDER BY [pid] DESC
   UPDATE [dnt_users] SET   
    [lastpost] = @postdatetime,
    [lastpostid] = @pid,
    [lastposttitle] = ISNULL(@title,'')    
   WHERE [uid] = @posterid   




就像论坛积分互转之类的?难道允许A入账 B没有支出这种情况出现吗?

@Cat Chen



