Pattern Tips 之一

Pattern Tips 之一



Adapter,Bridge,Facade,Proxy。它们都是Structural Patterns,它们的关系如下图所示:


●Tip 1:关键字。existing,reuse。

●Tip 2:图。


●Tip 3:实现和使用。到底使用Class Adapter还是Object Adapter,要视不同情况而定。

Class Adapter优点:Lets Adapter override some of Adaptee''s behavior, since Adapter is a subclass of Adaptee。另外,不必引入额外的实例化问题,Introduces only one object, and no additional pointer indirection is needed to get to the adaptee。

Class Adapter缺点:Adapts Adaptee to Target by committing to a concrete Adapter class. As a consequence, a class adapter won''t work when we want to adapt a class and all its subclasses.

Object Adapter优点:Lets a single Adapter work with many Adaptees─that is, the Adaptee itself and all of its subclasses (if any). The Adapter can also add functionality to all Adaptees at once.

Object Adapter缺点:Makes it harder to override Adaptee behavior.

MFC本身就是Adapter的例子,Win32 API是基于func的,MFC是基于class的。

●Tip 4:优点。可用于整合遗留系统。

●Tip 5:局限性。如果遗留系统还在发展、变化和增长之中,整合的开销会很大。


●Tip 1:关键字。Abstraction and its Implementation。

●Tip 2:图。




●Tip 3:实现和使用。



第2种情况,委托给别的对象来实例化。典型的,可以委托给一个Abstract Factory来实例化。这样,Abstraction只需要知道Implementor这个Interface,这是一个良性依赖,在图中被我画成了绿色。

ET++中,和平台无关的Window是用和平台相关的WindowPort实现的,但后者的实例化是委托(delegate)WindowSystem这个Abstract Factory来完成的:

class Window {
  WindowImp* GetWindowImp(); ///////////////call Abstract Factory and return Implementor
  WindowImp* _imp;  ////////////save GetWindowImp() ''s return value

WindowImp* Window::GetWindowImp () {
  if (_imp == 0) {
    _imp = WindowSystemFactory::Instance()->MakeWindowImp();////////////////////WindowSystemFactory is a Singleton
  return _imp;

●Tip 4:支持变化。Putting the Window abstraction and its implementation in separate class hierarchies。You can extend the Abstraction and Implementor hierarchies independently。图中的黄色Class就是假想后来扩充的。


●Tip 1:关键字。Placeholder,Control。

●Tip 2:图。


●Tip 3:实现和使用。讨论两个关键字:

Placeholder。可以是a direct reference to its real subject,比如在同一台PC上(且在同一个Application内),DrawProxy之间调用Draw;也可以是only an indirect reference,比如跨网络的应用,可能只知道“host ID and local address on host”,哈哈,就是“IP地址+端口号”。




●Tip 1:关键字。Subsystem,Higher-level Interface。

●Tip 2:图。


●Tip 3:实现和使用。

在Facade Class上还可以做些文章,以进一步降低耦合度,比如Facade本身可以派生Subclass,或者用委托(delegate)来配置Facade。The coupling between clients and the subsystem can be reduced even further by making Facade an abstract class with concrete subclasses for different implementations of a subsystem. Then clients can communicate with the subsystem through the interface of the abstract Facade class. This abstract coupling keeps clients from knowing which implementation of a subsystem is used. An alternative to subclassing is to configure a Facade object with different subsystem objects. To customize the facade, simply replace one or more of its subsystem objects.

使用名字空间。A class encapsulates state and operations, while a subsystem encapsulates classes. The C++ standardization committee added name spaces to the language [], which will let you expose just the public subsystem classes.

在ET++中,有个称为browsing tools的Subsystem,其中的ProgrammingEnvironment就是Facade。ET++中的相关研究,请参考本站(的Framework栏目。

●Tip 4:支持变化。Lets you vary the components of the subsystem without affecting its clients。

----------------------------------Proxy and Decorator----------------------------

●Tip 1:Proxy是Decorator特例。

当一个Decorator模式,Decorator不能递归修饰Decorator,而且也不要before forwarding和after forwarding的操作了,仅仅就是forward,Decorator模式也就退化成Proxy模式了。

----------------------------------Adapter,Bridge,Facade and Proxy----------------------------

Adapter,Bridge,Facade and Proxy这4种模式,其实都可以归为“Layer-like模式”。想想看,它们确实都是“Layer间单向调用服务”的。


Bridge and Facade──涉及逻辑层次“不同”的2个Layer。

Adapter and Proxy──涉及逻辑层次“相同”的2个Layer。

