


  1. 练习地道的短语phrase和表达

  2. 练习用很多不同的词语来表达它,这样就可以在很多情况下使用它

  3. 之后就可以自然地很舒服地说出来


  1. because:because of = on accout of = for the reason of、as a result of、being、as long as、by cause of、by virtue of、for、by reason of、by virtue of、due to、in that、thanks to


    写作用到the reason is because...错误因为重复了,直接说the reason is that...就可。

    owing to、due to = because of。 唯一区别:due to可以用在be后面,而owing to不能。

    “因为”、“所以”出现一个即可,不能成对出现。如果我们上一句话用了because...,那后面不仅可以思考一下用其他的表达替换because, 还可以想着把“因为”换成另一个分句的“所以”。

  2. be on the same page 达成一致 there's never a time when everyone wil ~.

  3. bumper-to-bumper 大堵塞;交通长龙 by eight o'clock the traffic was ~

  4. 时间表达:

    1h后:in an hour ;1h内:within an hour

  5. describe a person xxx/singer or band歌手或乐队:

    • he is got a great sense of humor很有幽默感

    • his comments are very dry干巴巴 and ironic很讽刺

    • Actually,I think she is so great/amazing/inspirational/awful糟糕/depressing压抑沮丧/gloomy忧郁

  6. 环境/社会问题/(一般用在第三部分)

    == it's become quite a big issue recently 最近成了一个大问题==

    例句:Why do some people grow their own food?Well,I think obviously there are different reasons。But I think some people are worried

    about the use of fertilizer or chemicals on food,~,……

  7. 时间频率often

    how often?:回答的句子中如果有accompany my mom不要用,用 go with my mom/spend time with/go somewhere with

    not very often同替:once in a blue moon 难得一次

    问:how often do you ……?

    答法1:Well,to be honest,I don't konw,but not often,~ I think,I don't like going shopping/sth for sth or sth.And I don't really need to

    sth very often.

    答法2:Well,to be honest,I don't have any special time,and it's really ~.when I do is probably in the car……

  8. What you like about something? it's/that's a big plus point. 这是一个很大的优点

    • 例句:说一下你的房子:So it has great views of the city,~。

    • 问:Do you read electronic books电子书:Actually,I do,one of the reason is that is very easy to carry携带 a lot of books around with

    you, ~ of a EBook reader电子书阅读器的一大优点。

    • 所在的city:Well,first of all,It's got a really great transport system,so we can travel very easily and convenient,~
  9. 每次说某事的时候

    It must have benn 这一定是 ~ when I was very young

    used to drive me crazy 曾让我发疯 Maths ~.

    used to 过去常常

    • 例句1:she used to drive me crazy

    • 例句2:she ~ make me angry/irritate me 使我烦躁 惹我生气/frustrate me打击我/give me a headache让我头疼
