
最近为了准备免修考试而在学习java和python,然后就拿了一道网络流来练练手,不过虽然是java跟python不过其实还是C++直接翻译过来的啦,所以哪些很棒的特性我一点都没有用~~ 题目:D:Til the Cows Come Home

 1 import java.util.*;
 2 import java.lang.*;
 3 class edge{
 4     int to,nxt,cap;
 5     edge(int x,int y,int z){to = x;nxt = y;cap = z; }
 6 }
 7 public class Main{
 8     static int n,m;
 9     static edge[] edges = new edge[410];
10     static int[] nxt = new int[210],p;
11     static int[] gap = new int[210],h = new int[210];
12     static int l;
13     static void addedge(int x,int y,int z) {
14         l++;
15         edges[l*2]=new edge(y,nxt[x],z);nxt[x]=l*2;
16         edges[l*2+1]=new edge(x,nxt[y],0);nxt[y]=l*2+1;
17     }
18     static int sap(int u,int flow) {
19         if (u==n) return flow;
20         int cnt = 0;
21         for (int i=p[u];i!=0;i=edges[i].nxt){
22             if (edges[i].cap!=0&&h[u]==h[edges[i].to]+1) {
23                 int cur = sap(edges[i].to,Math.min(flow-cnt,edges[i].cap));
24                 edges[i].cap-=cur;edges[i^1].cap+=cur;
25                 p[u]=i;
26                 if ((cnt+=cur)==flow) return flow;
27             }
28         }
29         if ((--gap[h[u]])==0) h[1]=n;
30         gap[++h[u]]++;
31         p[u]=nxt[u];
32         return cnt;
33     }
34     static int maxflow(){
35         Arrays.fill(gap,0);
36         Arrays.fill(h,0);
37         p = Arrays.copyOf(nxt,210);
38         gap[0]=n;
39         int flow = 0;
40         while (h[1]<n) {
41             flow += sap(1,0x7fffffff);
42         }
43         return flow;
44     }
45     public static void main(String[] Args){
46         Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
47         for (;;) {
48             try{
49                 m = sc.nextInt();n=sc.nextInt();
50                 l=0;
51                 nxt=new int[210];
52                 for (int i=0;i<m;++i) {
53                     int x=sc.nextInt(),y=sc.nextInt(),z=sc.nextInt();
54                     addedge(x,y,z);
55                 }
56                 System.out.println(maxflow());
57             }catch(Exception E){
58                 break;
59             }
60         }
61     }
62 }
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 1 class edge(object) :
 2     def __init__(self,to,nxt,cap):
 4         self.nxt=nxt
 5         self.cap=cap
 7 nxt=[0]*(300)
 8 edges = [edge(0,0,0)]*(410)
 9 l=0
10 p = []
11 gap = [0]*(300)
12 h = [0]*(300)
14 def addedge(x,y,z) :
15     global l
16     l+=1
17     edges[l*2]=edge(y,nxt[x],z)
18     nxt[x]=l*2
19     edges[l*2+1]=edge(x,nxt[y],0)
20     nxt[y]=l*2+1;
21 def sap(u,flow):
22     if (u==n) :return flow
23     cnt=0
24     i = p[u];
25     while (i) :
26         if edges[i].cap and h[edges[i].to]+1==h[u] :
27             cur = sap(edges[i].to,min(flow-cnt,edges[i].cap))
28             edges[i].cap-=cur
29             edges[i^1].cap+=cur
30             p[u]=i
31             cnt+=cur;
32             if (cnt==flow): return flow;
33         i=edges[i].nxt
34     gap[h[u]]-=1;
35     if (not gap[h[u]]) :h[1]=n;
36     h[u]+=1;
37     gap[h[u]]+=1;
38     p[u]=nxt[u]
39     return cnt;
41 def maxflow() :
42     global istest;
43     global p;
44     for i in nxt: p.append(i)
45     gap[0]=n;
46     flow=0
47     while (h[1]<n) :
48         flow += sap(1,0x7ffffffff)
49     return flow
50 while (1):
51     try:
52         l=0
53         nxt=[0]*(300)
54         edges = [edge(0,0,0)]*(410)
55         l=0
56         p = []
57         gap = [0]*(300)
58         h = [0]*(300)
59         m,n=map(int,input().split());
60         for i in range(m):
61             x,y,cap=map(int,input().split())
62             addedge(x,y,cap);
63         print(maxflow())
64     except:
65         break
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python需要注意的就是在使用全局变量时需要声明global,然后还有就是在复制列表时不能直接a = b,这样只是吧b列表做了个引用放到a那里。


 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include<iostream>
 3 #include<algorithm>
 4 #include<cstring>
 5 using namespace std;
 6 #define maxn 410
 7 int h[maxn],gap[maxn],p[maxn],nxt[maxn];
 8 int n,m;
 9 struct edge{
10     int to,next,cap;
11 }edges[maxn];
12 int l;
13 void addedge(int x,int y,int z) {
14     l++;
15     edges[l*2]=(edge){y,nxt[x],z};nxt[x]=l*2;
16     edges[l*2+1]=(edge){x,nxt[y],0};nxt[y]=l*2+1;
17 }
18 #define inf 0x7fffffff
19 int sap(int x,int flow=inf) {
20     if (x==n) return flow;
21     int cnt=0;
22     for (int i=p[x];i;i=edges[i].next) {
23         if (edges[i].cap&&h[x]==h[edges[i].to]+1) {
24             int cur=sap(edges[i].to,min(flow-cnt,edges[i].cap));
25             edges[i].cap-=cur;edges[i^1].cap+=cur;
26             p[x]=i;
27             if ((cnt+=cur)==flow) return cnt;
28         }
29     }
30     if (!(--gap[h[x]])) h[1]=n;
31     gap[++h[x]]++;
32     p[x]=nxt[x];
33     return cnt;
34 }
35 int maxflow(){
36     memset(h,0,sizeof(h));
37     memset(gap,0,sizeof(gap));
38     for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) p[i]=nxt[i];
39     gap[0]=n;
40     int ans=0;
41     while (h[1]<n) ans+=sap(1);
42     return ans;
43 }
44 int main(){
45     while (scanf("%d%d",&m,&n)!=EOF) {
46         memset(nxt,0,sizeof(nxt));
47         l=0;
48     for (int i=1;i<=m;i++) {
49         int x,y,z;
50         scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z);
51         addedge(x,y,z);
52     }
53     printf("%d
54     }
55     return 0;
56 }
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