EditPlus 于 20090808 升级到 v3.11(421) bugfix

EditPlus 于 2009-08-08 升级到 v3.11(421)

DATE: 2009-08-08
BUILD: 421

This is a patch file to fix the bugs of EditPlus v3.11

Copyright © 1998-2009 ES-Computing
Contact: support@editplus.com
Homepage: http://www.editplus.com/

* Directory window keeps previously opened folder icons.
* Toolbar button for Playback Multiple.
* Auto Run user tool could not play keystroke recordings.
* -s command line option (Syntax directory).
* Allows Ctrl+A key in the Window List and Directory Window.
* 'Web server root directory' option accepts https://
* #NESTED_COMMENT=y syntax file statemenet for nested comments.
* Canceling FTP upload could cause program crash.
* 'Continue to next file' option on the Find dialog box.
* Color option for marked lines ('Preferences'->'Colors')
* Restores folding state for recent files.
* 'Delete Blank Lines' command could cause program crash.
* Patch installer could display a warning message on Windows 7.
* Toolbar button for the 'Document'->'Auto Complete' option.

===== HANGUL(KOREAN) =====
