













为id[ Ai] ,同理~Ai在 id[ ~Ai ],所以冲突顶点conflict[ id[Ai] ]=conflict[ id[~Ai] ];同理conflict[ id[~Ai] ]=conflict[ id[Ai] ];


2-sat的一组解就等价于所有缩点后点颜色为红色的点,也就是color[ id[i] ]=RED的所有点。


【Poj3207】【Ikki's Story IV - Panda's Trick】


liympanda, one of Ikki’s friend, likes playing games with Ikki. Today after minesweeping with Ikki and winning so many times, he is tired of such easy games and wants to play another game with Ikki.

liympanda has a magic circle and he puts it on a plane, there are n points on its boundary in circular border: 0, 1, 2, …, n − 1. Evil panda claims that he is connecting m pairs of points. To connect two points, liympanda either places the link entirely inside the circle or entirely outside the circle. Now liympanda tells Ikki no two links touch inside/outside the circle, except on the boundary. He wants Ikki to figure out whether this is possible…

Despaired at the minesweeping game just played, Ikki is totally at a loss, so he decides to write a program to help him.


The input contains exactly one test case.

In the test case there will be a line consisting of of two integers: n and m (n ≤ 1,000, m ≤ 500). The following m lines each contain two integers ai and bi, which denote the endpoints of the ith wire. Every point will have at most one link.


Output a line, either “panda is telling the truth...” or “the evil panda is lying again”.

Sample Input

4 2
0 1
3 2

Sample Output

panda is telling the truth...
  1: Program PandaTrick(input,output);
  2:   type point=^node;
  3:        node=record
  4:          data:longint;
  5:          next:point;
  6:   end;
  7:   var map:array[0..2000]of point;
  8:       dfn,low,que,loc,col:array[0..2000]of longint;
  9:       x,y:array[1..2000]of longint;
 10:       i,n,m,q,j,t,time,quesum,loctmp,color:longint;
 11:   Procedure insert(x,y:longint);
 12:     var p:point;
 13:     begin
 14:       new(p);p^.data:=y;p^.next:=map[x];map[x]:=p;
 15:       new(p);p^.data:=x;p^.next:=map[y];map[y]:=p;
 16:     end;
 17:   procedure tarjan(x:longint);
 18:     var now:point;j,y:longint;
 19:     function min(a,b:longint):longint;
 20:       begin if a<b then exit(a) else exit(b);end;
 21:     begin
 22:       inc(time);low[x]:=time;dfn[x]:=time;
 23:       inc(quesum);que[quesum]:=x;loc[x]:=quesum;
 24:       now:=map[x];
 25:       while now<>nil do
 26:         begin
 27:           y:=now^.data;
 28:           if dfn[y]=0 then
 29:             begin
 30:               tarjan(y);
 31:               low[x]:=min(low[x],low[y]);
 32:             end       else
 33:           if loc[y]<>0 then low[x]:=min(low[x],dfn[y]);
 34:           now:=now^.next;
 35:         end;
 36:       if low[x]=dfn[x] then
 37:         begin
 38:           inc(color);
 39:           loctmp:=loc[x];
 40:           for j:=loctmp to quesum do
 41:             begin
 42:               col[que[j]]:=color;
 43:               loc[que[j]]:=0;
 44:             end;
 45:           quesum:=loctmp-1;
 46:         end;
 47:     end;
 48:   procedure swap(var a,b:Longint);
 49:     var t:longint;begin t:=a;a:=b;b:=t;end;
 50:   Function ok:boolean;
 51:     begin
 52:       for i:=1 to m do
 53:         if col[i]=col[i+m] then exit(false);
 54:       exit(true);
 55:     end;
 56:   begin
 57:     while not eof do
 58:       begin
 59:         readln(n,m);
 60:         fillchar(loc,sizeof(loc),0);
 61:         fillchar(col,sizeof(col),0);
 62:         fillchar(map,sizeof(map),0);
 63:         fillchar(dfn,sizeof(dfn),0);
 64:         fillchar(low,sizeof(low),0);
 65:         fillchar(que,sizeof(que),0);
 66:         time:=0;quesum:=0;color:=0;
 67:         for i:=1 to m do
 68:           begin
 69:             readln(x[i],y[i]);
 70:             if x[i]>y[i] then swap(x[i],y[i]);
 71:           end;
 72:         for i:=1 to m do
 73:           for j:=i+1 to m do
 74:             begin
 75:               if((x[j]>x[i])and(x[j]<y[i])and(y[j]>y[i]))or((x[i]>x[j])and(x[i]<y[j])and(y[i]>y[j]))then
 76:                 begin
 77:                   insert(i+m,j);insert(i,j+m);
 78:                 end;
 79:            end;
 80:         for i:=1 to m*2 do
 81:           if dfn[i]=low[i] then
 82:             tarjan(i);
 83:         if ok then writeln('panda is telling the truth...') else writeln('the evil panda is lying again');
 84:       end;
 85:   end.

【Poj 3678】Katu Puzzle


Katu Puzzle is presented as a directed graph G(V, E) with each edge e(a, b) labeled by a boolean operator op (one of AND, OR, XOR) and an integer c (0 ≤ c ≤ 1). One Katu is solvable if one can find each vertex Vi a value Xi (0 ≤ Xi ≤ 1) such that for each edge e(a, b) labeled by op and c, the following formula holds:

Xa op Xb = c

Given a Katu Puzzle, your task is to determine whether it is solvable.


The first line contains two integers N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1000) and M,(0 ≤ M ≤ 1,000,000) indicating the number of vertices and edges.
The following M lines contain three integers a (0 ≤ a < N), b(0 ≤ b < N), c and an operator op each, describing the edges.


Output a line containing "YES" or "NO".

Sample Input

4 4
0 1 1 AND
1 2 1 OR
3 2 0 AND
3 0 0 XOR

Sample Output



X0 = 1, X1 = 1, X2 = 0, X3 = 1.



令i表示点i去0,i + n表示点i取1。

点i与点j and 等于0时。 i + n -> j, j + n -> i

and 等于 1时,要求i和j必须为1,不能为0.


即:i -> i + n。



  1: Program Katu(input,output);
  2:   type point=^node;
  3:        node=record
  4:          data:longint;
  5:          next:point;
  6:   end;
  7:   var map:array[1..2000]of point;
  8:       dfn,low,que,loc,col:array[1..2000]of longint;
  9:       x,y,i,n,m,q,j,c,t,time,quesum,loctmp,color:longint;s:string;
 10:   procedure insert(x,y:longint);
 11:     var P:point;
 12:     begin
 13:       new(p);p^.data:=y;p^.next:=map[x];map[x]:=p;
 14:     end;
 15:   procedure tarjan(x:longint);
 16:     var now:point;j,y:longint;
 17:     function min(a,b:longint):longint;
 18:       begin if a<b then exit(a) else exit(b);end;
 19:     begin
 20:       inc(time);low[x]:=time;dfn[x]:=time;
 21:       inc(quesum);que[quesum]:=x;loc[x]:=quesum;
 22:       now:=map[x];
 23:       while now<>nil do
 24:         begin
 25:           y:=now^.data;
 26:           if dfn[y]=0 then
 27:             begin
 28:               tarjan(y);
 29:               low[x]:=min(low[x],low[y]);
 30:             end       else
 31:           if loc[y]<>0 then low[x]:=min(low[x],dfn[y]);
 32:           now:=now^.next;
 33:         end;
 34:       if low[x]=dfn[x] then
 35:         begin
 36:           inc(color);
 37:           loctmp:=loc[x];
 38:           for j:=loctmp to quesum do
 39:             begin
 40:               col[que[j]]:=color;
 41:               loc[que[j]]:=0;
 42:             end;
 43:           quesum:=loctmp-1;
 44:         end;
 45:     end;
 46:   Function Ok:boolean;
 47:     begin
 48:       for i:=1 to n do
 49:         if col[i]=col[i+n] then exit(false);
 50:       exit(true);
 51:     end;
 52:   begin
 53:     assign(input,'Katu.in');reset(input);
 54:     assign(output,'Katu.out');rewrite(output);
 55:     readln(n,m);
 56:     fillchar(map,sizeof(map),0);
 57:     for i:=1 to m do
 58:       begin
 59:         read(x);read(y);read(c);readln(s);
 60:         inc(x);inc(y);
 61:         if s=' XOR' then
 62:           if c=1 then
 63:             begin
 64:               insert(x,y+n);insert(y+n,x);
 65:               insert(x+n,y);insert(y,x+n);
 66:             end
 67:           else
 68:             begin
 69:               insert(x,y);insert(y,x);
 70:               insert(x+n,y+n);insert(y+n,x+n);
 71:             end;
 72:         if s=' AND' then
 73:           if c=1 then
 74:             begin
 75:               insert(x+n,y+n);insert(y+n,x+n);
 76:               insert(x,x+n);insert(y,y+n);
 77:             end
 78:           else
 79:             begin
 80:               insert(x+n,y);insert(y+n,x);
 81:             end;
 82:         if s=' OR' then
 83:           if c=0 then
 84:             begin
 85:               insert(x,y);insert(y,x);
 86:               insert(x+n,x);insert(y+n,y);
 87:             end
 88:           else
 89:             begin
 90:               insert(x,y+n);insert(y,x+n);
 91:             end;
 92:       end;
 93:     fillchar(loc,sizeof(loc),0);
 94:     fillchar(col,sizeof(col),0);
 95:     fillchar(dfn,sizeof(dfn),0);
 96:     fillchar(low,sizeof(low),0);
 97:     fillchar(que,sizeof(que),0);
 98:     quesum:=0;color:=0;time:=0;
 99:     for i:=1 to n*2 do
100:       if dfn[i]=0 then tarjan(i);
101:     if ok then writeln('YES') else writeln('NO');
102:   end.