JS objects

  • objects.      
    • objects are collections of properties
    • properties are a key-value pair
    • use costom keys to access data rather than using an index.
  • key-value pairs:   property = key + value
    • username: "smart_rich"
    • upvotes: 7
    • text: "nice vlog!"
  • dictionay property. (一一对应)
  • all types welcome.(可以多种类型混合存储)
  • valid keys, all keys are converted to strings * (except for symbols)
  • access data out of objects
    • const papers = {
          red : "shdkshdks"
          blue: "jshdjshdd"
          yellow: "sdhjshd"
      let color = 'red';
      papers[color] // "shdkshdks"
  • updating & adding properties
  • // To make an object literal:
    const dog = {
        name: "Rusty",
        breed: "unknown",
        isAlive: false,
        age: 7
    // All keys will be turned into strings!
    // To retrieve a value:
    dog.age; //7
    dog["age"]; //7
    //updating values
    dog.breed = "mutt";
    dog["age"] = 8;

    //addin a new property
    dog["isHappy"] = true;

    Arrays + Objects

shoppingCart[2].product = "Fire Stick"
