Closest sum_pair

From Youtuber: CS Dojo



Closest sum_pair

1. Problem Statement

given two arrays and a target value, we need to find the pair value that their sum is most closest to the target value.

2. Analysis

  • solution 1, brute force

    check every pair and compare the sum with the target value.(time: O(n^2))

  • solution 2, traverse one array, for every element in this array, check if b = (target-ele) occurs in another array, this will cost O(n) in time; if no pair that their sum is equal to target, find the let the target1 = target-1, then repeat the former steps, if no pair, then let the target2 = target +1, then repeat the same steps; this will cost O(x*n) time, x is the difference between the result sum between the target value.

3. Solution.

Sort the two arrays firstly, generate a matrix in which the x-axis is the sorted array a, the y-axis is the sorted array b, then use binary search to find the optimal value.  O(nlogn) time complexity and O(n) space complexity.

4. Java code

 1 public static int[] closestSumPair(int[] a1, int[] a2, int target) {
 2         int[] a1Sorted = Arrays.copyOf(a1, a1.length);
 3         Arrays.sort(a1Sorted);
 4         int[] a2Sorted = Arrays.copyOf(a2, a2.length);
 5         Arrays.sort(a2Sorted);
 7         int i = 0;
 8         int j = a2Sorted.length - 1;
 9         int smallestDiff = Math.abs(a1Sorted[0] + a2Sorted[0] - target);
10         int[] closestPair = {a1Sorted[0], a2Sorted[0]};
12         while (i < a1Sorted.length && j >= 0 ) {
13             int v1 = a1Sorted[i];
14             int v2 = a2Sorted[j];
15             int currentDiff = v1 + v2 - target;
16             if (Math.abs(currentDiff) < smallestDiff) {
17                 smallestDiff = Math.abs(currentDiff);
18                 closestPair[0] = v1; closestPair[1] = v2;
19             }
21             if (currentDiff == 0) {
22                 return closestPair;
23             }
24             else if (currentDiff < 0) {
25                 i += 1;
26             }
27             else {
28                 j -= 1;
29             }
30         }
32         return closestPair;
33     }
34 }

5. Python Code

 1 def closest_sum_pair(a1, a2, target):
 2     a1_sorted = sorted(a1)
 3     a2_sorted = sorted(a2)
 4     i = 0
 5     j = len(a2_sorted) - 1
 6     smallest_diff = abs(a1_sorted[0] + a2_sorted[0] - target)
 7     closest_pair = (a1_sorted[0], a2_sorted[0])
 8     while i < len(a1_sorted) and j >= 0:
 9         v1 = a1_sorted[i]
10         v2 = a2_sorted[j]
11         current_diff = v1 + v2 - target
12         if abs(current_diff) < smallest_diff:
13             smallest_diff = abs(current_diff)
14             closest_pair = (v1, v2)
16         if current_diff == 0:
17             return closest_pair
18         elif current_diff < 0:
19             i += 1
20         else:
21             j -= 1
22     return closest_pair