PowerShell实现基于SharePoint的网站HomePage Auto-Upgrade Solution

*** Solution Auto-Upgrade Solution


​*** Solution Auto-Upgrade Script

​Home Page Module Demo:

注:目前只支持HomePage Module,如果修改里面的可替换链接和字符串分析和路径分析的话将可以用在***所有部署Solution的模块,以下是文档内容。

User Guide:

1. Right click the script and run the script with PowerShell.

2. Input the package address and press the "Enter".

3. "Save as" the file under the path "C: HomePageSolution" (already been created automatically). 


The solution will be upgraded automatically in the SharePoint Farm.


<#ftp function reference#>

Function Invoke-FtpLogin{


[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

      [string]$Site = "",

      [string]$User = "Anonymous",

      [string]$Pass = "",





Write-Host "Get FTP site dir listing..."

# Do directory listing

$FTPreq = [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]::Create($Site)

$FTPreq.Timeout = $TimeOut                          # msec (default is infinite)

$FTPreq.ReadWriteTimeout = $ReadWriteTimeout        # msec (default is 300,000 - 5 mins)

$FTPreq.KeepAlive = $false                          # (default is enabled)

$FTPreq.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($User,$Pass)

$FTPreq.Method = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+FTP]::ListDirectory



    $FTPres = $FTPreq.GetResponse()

    Write-Host "$User _ $Pass OK"

    $success = $true

#Write-Host $FTPres.StatusCode -nonewline

#Write-Host $FTPres.StatusDescription 





   Write-Host "FAILED: $_"

   $success = $false




<#Unzip function reference#>

Function Unzip-File()



    #Make sure the file must be existed.

    if(!(Test-Path $TargetFolder))


        mkdir $TargetFolder


    $shellApp = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application

    $files = $shellApp.NameSpace($ZipFile).Items()




<#HomePage Solution Auto-Update#>

#If not admin, open the ps1 with admin again.

$currentWi = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()

$currentWp = [Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal]$currentWi

if( -not $currentWp.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator))


 $oldPid = $pid

 $currentFile = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

 Start-Process "$psHomepowershell.exe" -ArgumentList $currentFile -verb runas

 kill $oldPid


#Admin runs the script.

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

New-Item c:HomePageSolution -ItemType directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$ie = new-object -com InternetExplorer.Application

<#User input the newest package address#>

$packageURL = Read-Host "Please input the URL of the HomePage package"

$timeURL = $packageURL.substring(75,10)

$pieces = $timeURL -Split "-"

$cake = -join $pieces

$fileURL = "APPS***HomePageSolution_1.0.0.6_" + $cake +".zip"

$downloadURL = $packageURL + "/" + $fileURL


$ie.Visible = $true

<#Wait until the download has been finished.#>



 Start-Sleep -m 3000


until(Get-ChildItem c:HomePageSolution|where{$_.name -like $fileURL})

<#Unzip the package after the download has been finished.#>

$UnzipPath = "c:HomePageSolution" + $fileURL

$goalPath = "c:HomePageSolution" + "APPS***HomePageSolution_1.0.0.6_" + $cake

Unzip-File -ZipFile $UnzipPath.tostring() -TargetFolder $goalPath.tostring()

$updatePath = $goalPath + "" + "APPS***HomePage.wsp"

Update-SPSolution -Identity APPS***HomePage.wsp -LiteralPath $updatePath​ -GACDeployment

Read-Host "Press any key to quit"