
第5章 模式匹配

5.1 switch

与 default 等效的是捕获所有的 case_ 模式。如果没有模式匹配,抛出
MatchError,每个 case 中,不用 break 语句。

和 if 一样,match 也会返回值:
你可以在 match 中使用任何类型,而不仅仅是数字。 
def match1() = {
  var result = 0
  val op : Char = '-'

  op match {
    case '+' => result = 1
    case '-' => result = -1
    case _ => result = 0

  println(result) //-1


5.2 守卫

像 if 表达式一样,match 也提供守卫功能,守卫可以是任何 Boolean 条件:


def match2() = {
  for(c <- "+-*/123"){
    c match {
      case _ if Character.isDigit(c) => println("这是一个数字" + c)
      case '+' => println("字符为+号")
      case '-' => println("字符为-号")
      case '*' => println("字符为*号")
      case '/' => println("字符为/号")
      case _ => println("通配")


5.3 模式中的变量

如果 case 关键字后面跟着一个变量名,那么匹配的表达式会被赋值给那个变量。 
val str = "+-3!" 
for (i <- str.indices) {
    var sign = 0
    var digit = 0
    str(i) match {
      case '+' => sign = 1
      case '-' => sign = -1
      case ch if Character.isDigit(ch) => digit = Character.digit(ch, 10)
      case _ => 
println(str(i) + " " + sign + " " + digit)
Scala 中变量必须以小写字母开头,常量用大写字母,如果常量用小写字

5.4 类型模式


这样做的意义在于,避免了使用 isInstanceOf 和 asInstanceOf 方法。



def match3() = {
  val a = 6

  val obj = if(a == 1) 1
  else if(a == 2) "2"
  else if(a == 3) BigInt(3)
  else if(a == 4) Map("aa" -> 1)
  else if(a == 5) Map(1 -> "aa")
  else if(a == 6) Array(1, 2, 3)
  else if(a == 8) Array("aa")
  else if(a == 7) Array("aa", 1)

  val r1 = obj match {
    case i : Int => i
    case s : String => s
    case bi : BigInt => bi
    case m1 : Map[String, Int] => println("Map[String, Int]")
    case m2 : Map[Int, String] => m2
    case a1 : Array[Int] => a1 
    case a3 : Array[String] => a3
    case a2 : Array[any] => a2

  println(r1 + ":" + r1.getClass.getName)



5.5 匹配数组、列表、元组

Array(0) 匹配只有一个元素且为 0 的数组。
Array(x,y) 匹配数组有两个元素,并将两个元素赋值为 x 和 y。
Array(0,_*) 匹配数组以 0 开始。
for (arr <- Array(Array(0), Array(1, 0), Array(0, 1, 0), Array(1, 1, 0))) {
    val result = arr match {
        case Array(0) => "0" 
        case Array(x, y) => x + " " + y
        case Array(0, _*) => "0 ..." 
        case _ => "something else"






def match4() = {

  for(arr <- Array(Array(0), Array(1, 0), Array(0, 1, 1), Array(1, 1, 0), Array(1, 1, 1, 0))){
    arr match {
      case Array(0) => println("Array(0)")
      case Array(x, y) => println("Array(x, y)" + ":" + x + "," + y)
      case Array(x, y, z) => println("Array(x, y, z)" + ":" + x + "," + y + "," + z)
      case Array(1, arr @ _*) => println("Array(1, arr @ _*)" + ":" + arr.length)
      case _ => println("通配")


5.6 提取器

模式匹配,什么才算是匹配呢?即,case 中 unapply 方法返回 some 集合则为匹配成功,

返回 none 集合则为匹配失败。下面看几个例子:


-- 调用 unapply,传入 unmber

-- 接收返回值并判断返回值是None,还是 Some

-- 如果是 Some,则将其解开,并将其中的值赋值给 n(就是 case Square(n) 中的 n)

创建 object Square:
object Square{
    def unapply(z: Double): Option[Double] = Some(math.sqrt(z))

val number: Double = 36.0

number match {
    case Square(n) => println(s"square root of $number is $n")
    case _ => prinpln("nothing matched")


  到底什么时候用 unapply 什么时候用 unapplySeq,要看参数个数。
注意:如果要提取单个值,则应该返回一个目标类型的 Option,例如
Option[Int],而不是 Option[(Int)];无参数的提取器可以用于 boolean 检查。


5.7 变量声明中的模式

 match 中每一个 case 都可以单独提取出来,意思是一样的,如下:

val (x, y) = (1, 2)
val (q, r)
= BigInt(10) /% 3
val arr = Array(1, 7, 2, 9)
val Array(first, second, _
*) = arr
println(first, second)

5.8 for表达式中的模式

在 for 表达式中使用提取器: 

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

((k, v) <- System.getProperties.asScala) println(k + " -> " + v) for ((k, "") <- System.getProperties.asScala) println(k) for ((k, v) <- System.getProperties.asScala if v == "") println(k)


//for 循环中的模式匹配
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

def match6() = {
  for ((k, v) <- System.getProperties.asScala)
    println(k + " -> " + v)
  for ((k, "") <- System.getProperties.asScala)
  for ((k, v) <- System.getProperties.asScala if v == "")

5.9 样例类

样例类首先是类,除此之外它是为模式匹配而优化的类,样例类用 case关键字进行声明: 


abstract class Amount
case class Dollar(value: Double) extends Amount
case class Currency(value: Double, unit: String) extends Amount
case object Nothing extends Amount

2)当我们有一个类型为 Amount 的对象时,我们可以用模式匹配来匹配他

for (amt <- Array(Dollar(1000.0), Currency(1000.0, "EUR"), Nothing)) {
    val result = amt match {
        case Dollar(v) => "$" + v
        case Currency(_, u) => "Oh noes, I got " + u
        case Nothing => "" 
    // Note that amt is printed nicely, thanks to the generated toString
    println(amt + ": " + result)


def match7() = {
  for (e <- Array(Dollar(1000.0), Currency(1000, "EUR"))) {
    e match {
      case Dollar(v) => println(v)
      case Currency(k, v) => println(k + "," + v)


5.10 Copy方法和带名参数

copy 创建一个与现有对象值相同的新对象,并可以通过带名参数来修改某些属性。 
val amt = Currency(29.95, "EUR")
val price = amt.copy(value = 19.95)
println(amt) //Currency(29.95,EUR) println(price)  //Currency(19.95,EUR) println(amt.copy(unit
= "CHF")) //Currency(29.95,CHF)

5.11 Case语句的中置(缀)表达式

什么是中置表达式?1 + 2,这就是一个中置表达式。如果 unapply 方法产出一个元组,你可以在 case 语句中使用中置表示
法。比如可以匹配一个 List 序列,可以如下表示: 
List(1, 7, 2, 9) match { 
  case first :: second :: rest => first + second + rest.length 
  case _ => 0


def match8() = {
  val list = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
  list match {
    case l1 :: l2 :: l3 => println(l1 + "," + l2 + "," + l3)

match8() //1,2,List(3, 4, 5, 6)

5.12 匹配嵌套结构

abstract class Item
case class Article(description: String, price: Double) extends Item
case class Bundle(description: String, discount: Double, items: Item*) extends Item


val special = Bundle("Father's day special", 20.0,
  Article("Scala for the Impatient", 39.95),
  Bundle("Anchor Distillery Sampler", 10.0,
    Article("Old Potrero Straight Rye Whiskey", 79.95),
    Article("Junípero Gin", 32.95)))

3)将 descr 绑定到第一个 Article 的描述

val result1 = special match {
  case Bundle(_, _, Article(descr, _), _*) => descr


4)通过@表示法将嵌套的值绑定到变量。_*绑定剩余 Item 到 rest

val result2 = special match { 
  case Bundle(_, _, art @ Article(_, _), rest @ _*) => (art, rest)

5)不使用 _* 绑定剩余 Item 到 rest

val result3 = special match {
  case Bundle(_, _, art @ Article(_, _), rest) => (art, rest)


 6)计算某个 Item 价格的函数,并调用

def price(it: Item): Double = {
  it match {
    case Article(_, p) => p
    case Bundle(_, disc, its @ _*) => its.map(price _).sum - disc


def match9() = {
  val sale = Bundle("秘籍", 10,
    Article("九阳神功", 40),
      Article("Java系列", 80),
      Article("小说系列", 30)))

  val result1 = sale match {
    case Bundle(_, _, Article(descr, _), temp @ _*) => descr + "," + temp

  println(result1) //九阳神功,WrappedArray(Bundle(系列,20.0,WrappedArray(Article(Java系列,80.0), Article(小说系列,30.0))))

  val result2 = sale match {
    case Bundle(_, _, art @ Article(_, _), rest @ _*) => (art, rest)
  println(result2) //(Article(九阳神功,40.0),WrappedArray(Bundle(系列,20.0,WrappedArray(Article(Java系列,80.0), Article(小说系列,30.0)))))

  val result3 = sale match {
    case Bundle(_, _, art @ Article(_, _), rest) => (art, rest)
  println(result3) //(Article(九阳神功,40.0),Bundle(系列,20.0,WrappedArray(Article(Java系列,80.0), Article(小说系列,30.0))))

  def price(it: Item): Double = {
    it match {
      case Article(_, p) => p
      case Bundle(_, disc, its @ _*) => its.map(price(_)).sum - disc




5.13 密封类

如果想让 case 类的所有子类都必须在申明该类的相同的文件中定义,可
以将样例类的通用超类声明为 sealed,叫做密封类,密封就是外部用户不能在
sealed abstract class TrafficLightColor
  case object Red extends TrafficLightColor
  case object Yellow extends TrafficLightColor
  case object Green extends TrafficLightColor

5.14 模拟枚举 

for (color <- Array(Red, Yellow, Green))
    color match {
    case Red => "stop" 
    case Yellow => "hurry up" 
    case Green => "go" 


def match10() : Unit = {

  for (color <- Array(Red, Yellow, Green))
      color match {
        case Red => "stop"
        case Yellow => "hurry up"
        case Green => "go"

5.15 偏函数 


val f: PartialFunction[Char, Int] = {
  case '+' => 1
  case '-' => -1

println(f('-')) //-1
println(f('+')) //1
println(f.isDefinedAt('0')) //false

map 和 collect:

    val list = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    val result1 = list.map(_ * 2)
    println(result1 + ", result1") //List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

    val result2 = list.collect{case x => x * 2}
    println(result2 + ", result2") //List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

//    val result3 = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "haha").map{case i: Int => i * 2}
//    println(result3 + ", result3") //scala.MatchError

    val result4 = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "haha").collect{case i: Int => i * 2}
    println(result4 + ", result2") //List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)


我们定义一个将 List 集合里面数据 +1 的偏函数

val f1 = new PartialFunction[Any, Int] {
  def apply(any: Any) = any.asInstanceOf[Int] + 1

  def isDefinedAt(any: Any) = if (any.isInstanceOf[Int]) true else false
val rf1 = List(1, 3, 5, "seven") collect f1 //collect 会调用 isDefinedAt 函数再执行 apply 方法,而 map 会直接执行 apply
println(rf1) //List(2, 4, 6)



def f2: PartialFunction[Any, Int] = {
  case i : Int => i + 1
val rf2 = List(1, 3, 5, "seven") collect(f2)
println(rf2) //List(2, 4, 6)