The Datawarehouse's future is bright

 The Future Data Warehouse Professionals

     I hava remarked many times that a successful data warehouse profersional must be intersted in three things:the businsessthe technologythe business users.  This will be true in the furture. if you want to spend your time coding and not talking to business users, that's great but you don't belong on the data warehouse team. Having said that,data warehouse proferssionals going forward need tot have unix and java skills at a minimun, and familiarity with some of the principal non-SQL analytic environments such as Spark,MongoDb,and HBase, as well as data transfer tools such as Sqoop.

 I fell incredibly(非常的)  lucky to have been part of Kimball Group for the past twelve years. . It’s been an honor to work not only with Ralph, Margy, Bob, and Warren, but also with the hundreds of students, clients, and colleagues from whom I’ve learned so much. I am humbled by what we’ve achieved together, and blessed to have had what I consider to be the best job in the world.
