python 商品购物车

 1 Shopping_Cart=[]
 3 commodity=[("iphone",5000),
 4 ("bike",200),
 5 ("book",100),
 6 ("computer",3000),
 7 ("car",10000),
 8 ]
 9 salary=input("please input your salary:")
11 # print(commodity)
12 if salary.isdigit():
13     salary=int(salary)
14     while True:
15         for index,item in enumerate(commodity):
16             print(index,item)
17         Use_choice = input("please choose you want to buy commodity num:")
18         if Use_choice.isdigit():
19             Use_choice=int(Use_choice)
20             if Use_choice<len(commodity) and Use_choice>=0 :
21                 p_item=commodity[Use_choice]
22                 # print(p_item[1])
23                 if p_item[1]<= salary:
24                     Shopping_Cart.append(p_item)
25                     salary-=p_item[1]
26                     print("Shopping_Cart added %s ,your current balance is 33[31;1m %s 33[0m" % (p_item,salary))
27                 else :
28                     print("33[41;1m 余额不足,请重新选择 %s 33[0m" %salary)
29             else:
30                 print("please iput correct product code 33[31;1m %s 33[0m" % Use_choice)
31         elif Use_choice=="q" :
32             print("--------shopping list---------")
33             for i in Shopping_Cart:
34                 print(i)
35             exit("成功退出购买商品")
36         else:
37             print("please input Correct commodinty num 33[31;1m %s 33[0m"%Use_choice)
38 else:
39     print("33[31;1mplease input Correct salary %s 33[0m"%salary)