

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import tweepy
import requests
import re
import sys
import datetime
import json
# 京东的编码是gbk

head = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.87 Safari/537.36" }
today = str(datetime.date.today())
myfavourite = {          # 这里的价格是我期望的价格,非商品实际价格
    '789778':99.00,     # 汇源100%橙汁200ml*24盒
    '1169940':179.00    # 飞利浦(PHILIPS)HX6013/05标准型牙刷头3支装适用牙刷HX6730HX6761HX6511HX3216HX6972HX3130HX3120HX3110
# 通过商品id号获取商品名称
def getproductname(productid):
    url = 'http://item.jd.com/' + productid + '.html'
    s = requests.session()
    r = s.get(url, headers=head)
    pattern_title = re.compile(ur"<h1>(.*?)</h1>")
    result_productname = re.findall(pattern_title, unicode(r.content))
    return result_productname
# 获取商品详细信息
def getproductdetails(productid):
    url = 'http://pe.3.cn/prices/pcpmgets?skuids=' + productid + '&origin=5&area=15_1213_3409'
    s = requests.session()
    r = s.get(url, headers=head).json()
    return r
    # p手机端实际价格 pcp电脑端实际价格
    # [{u'p': u'168.00', u'pcp': u'188.00', u'm': u'398.00', u'id': u'1456371991'}]
# 发布推文
def posttwitter(content):
    consumer_key = 'f...j'
    consumer_secret = 'W...8'
    access_token = '4...j'
    access_token_secret = 'Q...M'
    auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
    auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
    api = tweepy.API(auth)
    if content:
# 判断价格涨跌
def detectprice(productid):
    productdetails = getproductdetails(productid)[0]
    # {u'p': u'168.00', u'pcp': u'188.00', u'm': u'398.00', u'id': u'1456371991'}
    result_twitter = '<<' + getproductname(productid)[0] + '>>' + u'降价了!当前手机端价格为:' + productdetails['p']
    log = {'date': today, 'id': productid, 'name': getproductname(productid)[0].encode('utf-8'), 'price': float(productdetails['p'])}
    result_log = json.dumps(log)
    if float(productdetails['p']) < myfavourite[productid]:    # 如果今天的价格 低于 期望价
        with open('log_' + productid + '.txt', "r") as logfile:
            logfile_content = logfile.readlines()[-1:]    # 取最后一行数据,即昨天得价格
        if float(productdetails['p']) < json.loads(logfile_content[0])['price']:    # 如果今天的价格 低于 昨天的
            with open('log_' + productid + '.txt', "a") as logfile:
                logfile.write(result_log + "
            return u'推文已发布!'
        else:    # 如果今天的价格 高于或等于 昨天的
            with open('log_' + productid + '.txt', "a") as logfile:
                logfile.write(result_log + "
            return u"由于今天的价格等于或高于昨天,故不再发布推文通知!"
    else:    # 如果今天的价格 等于或高于 期望价
        with open('log_' + productid + '.txt', "a") as logfile:
            logfile.write(result_log + "
        return u"实际价格高于或等于您的预期!"
# 调用函数
print detectprice('789778')


1. http://p.3.cn/prices/mgets?skuIds=J_1456371991

2. http://c0.3.cn/stock?skuId=1456371991&cat=652,829,854&area=15_1213_3409_0&extraParam={"originid":"1"}

3. http://pe.3.cn/prices/pcpmgets?skuids=1456371991&origin=5&area=15_1213_3409
