


create database  dks;


create table t1(id int,name varchar(20) not null,ages int) engine=innodb default charset=utf8;


insert into t1(id,name,ages)values(1,"zhangsan",28);


insert into t1(id,name,ages)values(5,"xiaohong",58),(5,"xiaoming",68);


alter table t1 add job varchar(20);


alter table t1 add city tinyint(2) after id;



drop database dks;


drop  table t1;


delete   from t1;


alter  table t1  drop column job;

(5)删除数据,where 条件筛选ages=18 数据,删除

delete from t1  where ages=18;



show databases;


use dks;


show tables;


select * from t1;


select id from t1;


select id,name  from t1;


select * from t1 where ages>20  and  name="zhangsan";


select * from t1 where ages>20 and name="zhangsan" and id !=1;


select * from t1 where id in (2,3);

(10)使用not in参数排除多行

select * from t1 where id not in (2,3);


select * from t1 where name like "xiao%";


select * from t1 where name like "xiao_";


select * from t1 limit 3;


select * from t1 limit 3,2;


select * from t1 order by ages desc;


select * from t1 order by ages asc;


select from t1;


show variables like '%char%';


show engines;


show variables like%storage_engine%’;




alter table t1 change age ages int;
#将age 改为 ages


alter table t1 modify column ages varchar(10);


update t1 set id = 2  where id=3;


update t1 set name='zhangsan' where id=1;

(5)修改MySQL 中 t1表的存储引擎

alter table t1 engine=innodb;