
1. 用wine直接运行exe。安装wine后有个放exe的文件夹,双击后会自动包装运行。看起来挺方便的,就怕暂用资源比较大; (推荐)

2. 用mac os 终端运行mono编译后的exe;有个问题,这个终端窗口关闭则exe窗口也会关闭;

3. Mono GTK# Application;

4. 用MonoMac,但学习成本比较大;

Toolkit Runs on Linux Runs on Windows Runs on Mac Binding Style License Status
MonoMac no no yes Strongly typed C# binding to Cocoa APIs MIT X11 Actively developed, builds on the design lessons from MonoTouch but still incomplete. This will be the new default binding for Mono on OSX. Separate download.
Gtk# yes yes yes Strongly typed C# binding to the cross platform Gtk+ API. Applications look foreign on OSX. LGPL v2 Actively developed, cross platform. Bundled with Mono.
Windows.Forms yes yes yes Cross platform implementation of Microsoft's Windows.Forms. Applications look foreign on OSX. MIT X11 The Windows.Forms API was frozen in time by Microsoft. Bundled with Mono.
MonObjc no no yes Binding to the native Cocoa APIs, but requires manual use of Objective-C selectors to work with, relatively thin wrapper around the underlying APIs. LGPL v3 Actively developed. Separate download.
CocoaSharp no no yes Binding to the native Cocoa APIs, but requires manual use of Objective-C selectors to work with, relatively thin wrapper around the underlying APIs. MIT X11 No longer developed, no longer maintained, deprecated. Bundled with Mono.
