Codeforces Round #534 (Div. 2) Solution

A. Splitting into digits


 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 2 using namespace std;
 4 int n;
 6 void solve()
 7 {
 8     printf("%d
", n);
 9     for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) printf("%d%c", 1, " 
"[i == n]);
10 }
12 int main()
13 {
14     while (scanf("%d", &n) != EOF)
15         solve();
16     return 0;
17 }
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B. Game with string


 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 2 using namespace std;
 4 #define N 100010
 5 char s[N];
 7 int main()
 8 {
 9     while (scanf("%s", s + 1) != EOF)
10     {
11         stack <char> sta;
12         int cnt = 0;
13         for (int i = 1, len = strlen(s + 1); i <= len; ++i)
14         {
15             if (!sta.empty() && == s[i]) sta.pop(), ++cnt;
16             else sta.push(s[i]);
17         }
18         puts(cnt & 1 ? "Yes" : "No");
19     }
20     return 0;
21 }
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C. Grid game


 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 2 using namespace std;
 4 #define N 1010
 5 char s[N];
 7 int main()
 8 {
 9     while (scanf("%s", s + 1) != EOF)
10     {
11         int x = 0, y = 0;
12         for (int i = 1, len = strlen(s + 1); i <= len; ++i)
13         {
14             if (s[i] == '1')
15             {
16                 printf("%d %d
", 1, x % 2 ? 3 : 1);   
17                 ++x;
18             }
19             else
20             {
21                 printf("%d %d
", 3, y % 4 + 1);
22                 ++y;
23             }
24         }
25     }
26     return 0;
27 }
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D. Game with modulo





每次询问格式为$(x, y)$


$x ;if (x ; mod; a) >= (y ;mod; a)$

$y ;if (x ;mod; a) < (y ;mod; a) $


我们考虑 从小到大倍增,去找到$a的一个单调范围$

比如说$1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32  如果某一次询问中返回了x$

那么说明$a在询问的(x, y)范围中  并且2 cdot a 不在这个范围内$


那么我们考虑某一次询问是$(x, 2cdot x)$


$如果 a > x, 那么必然有x >= 2 cdot x -  a$

$如果a = x  那么必然有 x ;mod;a = 2 cdot x ;mod; a$


 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 2 using namespace std;
 4 char op[110];
 6 bool check(int x, int y)
 7 {
 8     printf("? %d %d
", x, y);
 9     fflush(stdout); 
10     scanf("%s", op);
11     return op[0] == 'y';  
12 }
14 void solve(int l, int r)
15 {
16     int base = 1;
17     for (int i = l; i <= r; i += base, base <<= 1)
18     {
19         printf("? %d %d
", i, i + base);
20         fflush(stdout);
21         scanf("%s", op);
22         if (op[0] == 'x')
23         {
24             int l = i + 1, r = i + base - 1, res = -1;
25             while (r - l >= 0)
26             {
27                 int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
28                 if (check(i, mid))
29                 {
30                     l = mid + 1;  
31                     res = mid;
32                 }
33                 else
34                 {
35                     r = mid - 1;
36                 }
37             }    
38             if (res == -1) res = i; 
39             printf("! %d
", res + 1);
40             fflush(stdout);
41             return;
42         }
43     }
45 }
47 int main()
48 {
49     while (scanf("%s", op) && op[0] != 'e')
50         solve(0, 1000000000);    
51     return 0;
52 }
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E. Johnny Solving







首先跑一棵$DFS树,如果某个叶子结点的深度>= frac{n}{k} 那么直接输出这条简单路径$

$否则叶子结点个数肯定大于 k 个$


$我们假设每个叶子结点到根节点的距离为x_1, x_2, cdots x_c$

那么$x_1 + x_2 + cdots + x_c >= n$

$那么根据抽屉原理 max(x_1, x_2, cdots x_c) >= frac{n}{c}$

$又 frac {n}{c} < frac{n}{k} 所以 c > k$


$考虑 它的两条返祖边连向x, y  我们令deep[x] < deep[y]$

$那么这个时候有三个环 dist(x,u) + 1, dist(y, u) + 1, dist(x, y) + 2$

$首先证明三个环的长度都>= 3$

$因为没有重边,所以dist(x, u) 和 dist(y, u) >= 2 = 3 - 1$

$又x和y是不同的两点 所以 dist(x, y) >= 1 = 3 - 2$



$(dist(x, u) + 1) \% 3 == 0$

$(dist(y, u) + 1) \% 3 == 0$

$(dist(x, y) + 1) \% 3 == 0$

$又 dist(x, u) = (dist(y, u) + dist(x, y))$

$所以 dist(x, y) \% 3 == 0$

那么$(dist(x, y) + 2) \% 3 != 0$

$与已知矛盾, 得证$

  1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  2 using namespace std;
  4 #define N 300010
  5 int n, m ,k;
  6 vector <int> G[N];
  8 int fa[N], vis[N], deep[N], Max, pos;
  9 void DFS(int u)
 10 {
 11     vis[u] = 1;
 12     if (deep[u] > Max)
 13     {
 14         Max = deep[u];
 15         pos = u;
 16     }
 17     for (auto v : G[u]) if (!vis[v])
 18     {
 19         fa[v] = u;
 20         deep[v] = deep[u] + 1;
 21         DFS(v);
 22     }
 23 }
 25 vector < vector <int> > res;
 26 int isleaf[N];
 27 void work(int u)
 28 {
 29     vis[u] = 1;  
 30     if (!isleaf[u])
 31     {
 32         if (res.size() >= k) return;
 33         int x = -1, y = -1;
 34         for (auto v : G[u]) if (v != fa[u])
 35         {
 36             if (x == -1) x = v;
 37             else if (y == -1) y = v;
 38             else break; 
 39         }
 40         if (deep[x] > deep[y]) swap(x, y);
 41         vector <int> tmp; int it = -1, top = -1; 
 42         if ((deep[u] - deep[y] + 1) % 3)
 43         {
 44             it = u; top = fa[y]; 
 45         }
 46         else if ((deep[u] - deep[x] + 1) % 3)
 47         {
 48             it = u; top = fa[x];
 49         }
 50         else 
 51         {
 52             tmp.push_back(u);
 53             it = y; top = fa[x];
 54         }
 55         while (it != top) tmp.push_back(it), it = fa[it];
 56         res.push_back(tmp);
 57     }
 58     else for (auto v : G[u]) if (!vis[v]) work(v);
 59 }
 61 int main()
 62 {
 63     while (scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &k) != EOF)
 64     {
 65         for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) G[i].clear();
 66         for (int i = 1, u, v; i <= m; ++i)
 67         {
 68             scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
 69             G[u].push_back(v);
 70             G[v].push_back(u);
 71         }
 72         deep[1] = 1; Max = 1;
 73         fa[1] = 0;
 74         DFS(1);
 75         if (Max > n / k)
 76         {
 77             puts("PATH");
 78             vector <int> res;
 79             int it = pos;
 80             while (it)
 81             {
 82                 res.push_back(it);
 83                 it = fa[it];
 84             }
 85             int len = res.size();
 86             printf("%d
", len);
 87             for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) printf("%d%c", res[i], " 
"[i == len - 1]);
 88         }
 89         else
 90         {
 91             puts("CYCLES");
 92             memset(vis, 0, sizeof vis);
 93             memset(isleaf, 0, sizeof isleaf);
 94             for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) isleaf[fa[i]] = 1;
 95             work(1);
 96             for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) 
 97             {
 98                 auto it = res[i];
 99                 int len = it.size();
100                 printf("%d
", len);
101                 for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j) printf("%d%c", it[j], " 
"[j == len - 1]);
102             }
103         }
104     }
105     return 0;
106 }
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