Microsoft Surface?

什么是 Microsoft Surface, 看看下面的图估计你就知道大概是什么了.

所谓Microsoft Surface, 就是一台配有水平放置的30英寸的可触摸(不用完全碰它就能和它交流, 官方Q&A中说它使用Camera来感应物体)的等离子(Or 液晶)屏幕的电脑.
其实N年前的技术就可以实现这样的东西了, 那么 Microsoft Surface 又有什么特别之处呢?
从下面的图片可以看到, 微软认为这样的一台电脑应该做成一个放在客厅里的Table, 也就意味着这样的一台电脑可以给每个人使用, 如果在不远的将来每个家庭都将拥有一个这样的机器.. 微软又可以大发一笔了..
Microsoft Surface 的核心技术是 Surface computing, 也就是计算机如何通过感知物体来获取数据的技术, Microsoft Surface 的广泛应用还是会依赖更强大和"理解人"的软件...

另: 这台水平放置屏幕的Surface用来看片肯定不爽, 想看大片或是玩游戏? 买台Media Center的电脑吧, 再配台XBox的话微软就更开心了~
另: 这东西看起来太科幻了....太科幻了.....

Name of Product:     Microsoft Surface™


Category:                  Surface computing




Surface is the first commercially available surface computer from Microsoft Corp. It turns an ordinary tabletop into a vibrant, interactive surface. The product provides effortless interaction with digital content through natural gestures, touch and physical objects. In essence, it’s a surface that comes to life for exploring, learning, sharing, creating, buying and much more. Soon to be available in restaurants, hotels, retail establishments and public entertainment venues, this experience will transform the way people shop, dine, entertain and live.


Surface is a 30-inch display in a table-like form factor that’s easy for individuals or small groups to interact with in a way that feels familiar, just like in the real world. Surface can simultaneously recognize dozens and dozens of movements such as touch, gestures and actual unique objects that have identification tags similar to bar codes.

Surface will ship to partners with a portfolio of basic applications, including photos, music, virtual concierge and games, that can be customized to provide their customers with unique experiences.

Surface Computing:               

Surface computing breaks down traditional barriers between people and technology, changing the way people interact with all kinds of everyday content, from photos to maps to menus. The intuitive user interface works without a traditional mouse or keyboard, allowing people to interact with content and information by using their hands and natural movements. Users are able to access information either on their own or collaboratively with their friends and families, unlike any experience available today. Surface computing features four key attributes:

Direct interaction. Users can actually “grab” digital information with their hands and interact with content through touch and gesture, without the use of a mouse or keyboard.

Multi-touch contact. Surface computing recognizes many points of contact simultaneously, not just from one finger as with a typical touch screen, but up to dozens and dozens of items at once.

Multi-user experience. The horizontal form factor makes it easy for several people to gather around surface computers together, providing a collaborative, face-to-face computing experience.

Object recognition. Users can place physical objects on the surface to trigger different types of digital responses, including the transfer of digital content.


Multi-touch display. The Surface display is capable of multi-touch interaction, recognizing dozens and dozens of touches simultaneously, including fingers, hands, gestures and objects placed on the surface.


Horizontal orientation. The 30-inch display in a table-sized form factor allows users to share, explore and create experiences together, enabling a truly collaborative computing experience.


Dimensions. Surface is 22 inches high, 21 inches deep and 42 inches wide.


Materials. The Surface tabletop is acrylic, and its interior frame is powder-coated steel.


Requirements: Standard American 110–120V power


The Surface custom software platform runs on Windows Vista™ and has wired Ethernet 10/100 and wireless 802.11 b/g and Bluetooth 2.0 connectivity.


Beginning at the end of this year, consumers will be able to interact with Surface in hotels, restaurants, retail establishments and public entertainment venues.

More Information:

Microsoft Surface Virtual Pressroom
Microsoft Surface