English trip EM4-LP 1B Appearance Teacher:Ryan Russell

How to describe other people appearance?


# 从20岁开始 

early  x0 - x3

mid   x4 - x6

late  x7 - x9


1. Russel seems mid fifty

2. Loki seems early thirty

3. Leon seems late twenty

obese  过胖的

fat   胖的

heaving 重物

chubby   有点胖

average  平均

slim  苗条

thin  瘦

skinny 很瘦

emaciated 骨瘦如柴

average looking

average weight  平均体重

average height  平均身高

average size  平均尺寸

Loki‘s ’height is 1.75 cm(centimeter)

词汇(Key Word )

Use be with...

Age 年龄


toddler  n. 学步的小孩;幼童装



teenager  十三岁到十九岁的少年

in his/her teens  (ages 13-19)

middle-aged  中年人

In his/her twenties(ages 20-29)

senior  较年长者

elderly  (ages 80+)    adj.年纪较大的,上了年纪的(婉辞,与old同义);老人;上了年纪的人

centenarian    (ages 100+)

Weight  体重

skinny 皮包骨

thin  瘦

slim  苗条

average weight  平均体重

heavy  较重

well-built  adj. 体型匀称的,体格健美的

chubby   adj. 圆胖的,丰满的

Height  身高


average height


Use have with...

Eye color  眼睛颜色




Hairstyle  发型

long <--> short

straight <--> curly   # 注意  straight  和 street 发音

wavy  波纹的

spiky  刺头(撒马特造型)

bald  adj. 秃顶的;光秃的;单调的;无装饰的

Hair color  头发颜色






Facial hair 面部毛发

beard  胡须

mustache  胡子(八字须)

freckles  雀斑

pimple 逗

Feature  容貌;特征

round 圆脸

oval  椭圆脸

triangular  /traɪ'æŋgjəlɚ/   tr.ian.gu.lar    瓜子脸(本意倒三角)

square 方脸

teens n.十几岁

elderly  adj.年纪较大的

skinny  asj.非常瘦的

thin  adj.瘦的

slim  adj.苗条的

average  adj.普通的,平常的

weight  n.体重

heavy  n.重的

straight  adj.直的

curly  adj. 卷的

wavy  adj.卷曲的

spiky  adj.刺猬式的(发型)

blond  n.金色

celebrity  n.名人


1. Emilio is in his fifties . He is tall . He is  average weight.

He has brown eyes. He has short,gray hair.

2. Kathy is in her forties. She is short. She has plump figure(身材丰满).

She has blue eyes. she has long,straight,blond hair. 

3. Michael is in his teens. He is tall. He is skinny

He has brown eyes.  He is brown, short, curly hair.

4. Alexis and Ashley are in the twenties . They are short. They are slim.

They have green eyes. They have red, wavy hair.

Who does Michael look like? He looks like his father. They're both tall.  迈克尔长什么样?他看起来像他的父亲。他们都高。

Who does Ashley look like? She looks like her mother. They both have red hair  阿什利长什么样?她看起来像她妈妈。他们都有红头发

Who do you look like?  I look like XXX. We're both.../We both have...    你长得像谁?我看起来像XXX。我们都是……我们都有……

He is of average weight.He's around 190 lbs(pound)  他的体重一般。他大约190磅

He has brown eyes with frame glasses  他戴着框架眼镜,眼睛是棕色的

I don't konw what to do  我不知道该怎么办

I wish you going a happy voyage /ˈvɔɪɪdʒ/  祝你旅途愉快


表示主语是什么 肯定是名词结尾的              Loki是一个勤奋的学生  Loki is a hardworking student.

表示主语怎么样 肯定是形容词结尾的           Loki很勤奋     Loki so hardworking

# 多个形容词修饰名词顺序如下:

长度/尺寸  -->  风格/样式 --> 颜色 + 名词 

e.g.   He has short,straight,black hair
