
Make sure the selected Windows SDK is installed:
Properties -> Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version.

1. Right-Click on the Project (e.g. SimulationTrial) -> Properties
2 Set Configuration to "All Configurations"
3. Goto Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input.
4. Add under Additional Dependencies: "legacy_stdio_definitions.lib"

5. Set Ignore All Default Libraries: "No"

6. Set Ignore Specific Default Libraries: "LIBC.lib;LIBCMTD.lib"
7. Goto Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Advanced
8. Set Image Has Safe Exception Handlers:"No (/SAFESEH:NO)"
9. Click "OK"-Button.

emwin默认是使用VC++编译仿真的,但是win10平台,基本都是vs community 2013~2019,因此,segger官方也给出了说明,

