


就是把模数先分解成p1^k1*p2^k2...的形式,然后我们在mod px^kx的情况下进行计算,最后再用互质的CRT合并即可。
mod px^kx的情况下怎么算?我们能把与px互质的阶乘计算出来,再单独计算阶乘中有px的多少次方。
然后互质的直接在mod px^kx下求逆元即可,非互质的直接次数加减。

 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<cstdio>
 3 #include<cstring>
 4 #include<algorithm>
 5 #define debug cout
 6 typedef long long int lli;
 7 using namespace std;
 8 const int maxn=4e5+1e2;
10 lli in[maxn],ans;
11 lli c[maxn],modc[maxn];
12 lli fac[maxn],tim[maxn];
13 lli dvs[maxn],tms[maxn],pows[maxn];
14 int n,mod,now,psnow,cnt;
16 inline lli fastpow(lli base,lli tim,lli mod) {
17     lli ret = 1;
18     while(tim) {
19         if( tim & 1 ) ret = ret * base % mod;
20         if( tim >>= 1 ) base = base * base % mod;
21     }
22     return ret;
23 }
24 inline lli exgcd(lli a,lli b,lli& x,lli& y) {
25     if( !b ) return x = 1 , y = 0 , a;
26     lli ret = exgcd(b,a%b,y,x);
27     y -= a / b * x;
28     return ret;
29 }
30 inline lli inv(lli t,lli mod) {
31     static lli x,y;
32     exgcd(t,mod,x,y);
33     return ( x % mod + mod ) % mod;
34 }
35 inline void getcoprime(int x,int& retc,int& rett) {
36     retc = x , rett = 0;
37     while( ! ( retc % now ) ) retc /= now , ++rett;
38 }
39 inline void preseq() {
40     fac[0] = 1 , tim[0] = 0;
41     for(int i=1,c,t;i<=n;i++) {
42         getcoprime(i,c,t);
43         fac[i] = fac[i-1] * c % psnow , tim[i] = tim[i-1] + t;
44     }
45 }
46 inline void getdvs(int x) {
47     for(int i=2;(lli)i*i<=x;i++)
48         if( ! ( x % i ) ) {
49             dvs[++cnt] = i , pows[cnt] = 1;
50             while( ! ( x % i ) ) ++tms[cnt] , pows[cnt] *= i , x /= i;
51         }
52     if( x != 1 ) dvs[++cnt] = x , pows[cnt] = x , tms[cnt] = 1;
53 }
54 inline void cnow(int x,int& retc,int& rett) {
55     retc = fac[n-1] * inv(fac[x],psnow) % psnow * inv(fac[n-1-x],psnow) % psnow;
56     rett = tim[n-1] - tim[x] - tim[n-1-x];
57 }
58 inline void merge(int x,int fac,int tim) {
59     lli cur = (lli) fac * fastpow(now,tim,mod) % mod;
60     c[x] = ( c[x] + cur * ( mod / psnow ) % mod * inv( mod / psnow , psnow ) % mod ) % mod;
61 }
64 int main() {
65     scanf("%d%d",&n,&mod);
66     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%lld",in+i);
67     getdvs(mod);
68     for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++) {
69         now = dvs[i] , psnow = pows[i] , preseq();
70         for(int j=0,c,t;j<n;j++) cnow(j,c,t) , merge(j,c,t);
71     }
72     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) ( ans += in[i] * c[i-1] % mod ) %= mod;
73     printf("%lld
74     return 0;
75 }
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  1 #include<iostream>
  2 #include<cstdio>
  3 #include<cstring>
  4 #include<algorithm>
  5 #include<set>
  6 #include<cstdlib>
  7 #define debug cout
  8 typedef long long int lli;
  9 using namespace std;
 10 const int maxn=1e5+1e2;
 12 int s[maxn],t[maxn<<1],nxt[maxn<<1];
 13 lli dis[maxn],l[maxn<<1];
 14 int dep[maxn],fa[maxn],siz[maxn],top[maxn],son[maxn],id[maxn],rec[maxn],usl[maxn],usr[maxn];
 15 set<int> cs[maxn];
 17 struct SegmentTree {
 18     struct Equation { // k * dep + b == tme .
 19         lli k,b;
 20         inline lli calc(const lli &x) const {
 21             return k * x + b;
 22         }
 23     }es[maxn<<2];
 24     int l[maxn<<2],r[maxn<<2],lson[maxn<<2],rson[maxn<<2],used[maxn<<2],dat[maxn<<2],cnt;
 25     inline void build(int pos,int ll,int rr) {
 26         l[pos] = ll , r[pos] = rr;
 27         if( ll == rr ) return;
 28         const int mid = ( ll + rr ) >> 1;
 29         build(lson[pos]=++cnt,ll,mid) , build(rson[pos]=++cnt,mid+1,rr);
 30     }
 31     inline void fill(int pos,const Equation &e) {
 32         used[pos] = 1 , es[pos] = e;
 33     }
 34     inline void reset(int pos) {
 35         used[pos] = 0;
 36     }
 37     inline void update(int pos,int ll,int rr,const Equation &e) {
 38         if( rr < l[pos] || r[pos] < ll ) return;
 39         if( ll <= l[pos] && r[pos] <= rr ) return fill(pos,e);
 40         update(lson[pos],ll,rr,e) , update(rson[pos],ll,rr,e);
 41     }
 42     inline void reset(int pos,int ll,int rr) {
 43         if( rr < l[pos] || r[pos] < ll ) return;
 44         if( ll <= l[pos] && r[pos] <= rr ) return reset(pos);
 45         reset(lson[pos],ll,rr) , reset(rson[pos],ll,rr);
 46     }
 47     inline Equation query(int pos,int tar) {
 48         if( used[pos] ) return es[pos];
 49         // may cause infinity rec-call .
 50         const int mid = ( l[pos] + r[pos] ) >> 1;
 51         if( tar <= mid ) return query(lson[pos],tar);
 52         else return query(rson[pos],tar);
 53     }
 54     inline void update_mx(int pos,const int &tar,const int &x) {
 55         if( l[pos] == r[pos] ) return void(dat[pos]=x);
 56         const int mid = ( l[pos] + r[pos] ) >> 1;
 57         if( tar <= mid ) update_mx(lson[pos],tar,x);
 58         else update_mx(rson[pos],tar,x);
 59         dat[pos] = max( dat[lson[pos]] , dat[rson[pos]] );
 60     }
 61     inline int query_mx(int pos,int ll,int rr) {
 62         if( rr < l[pos] || r[pos] < ll ) return -1;
 63         if( ll <= l[pos] && r[pos] <= rr ) return dat[pos];
 64         return max( query_mx(lson[pos],ll,rr) , query_mx(rson[pos],ll,rr) );
 65     }
 66 }sgt;
 67 typedef SegmentTree::Equation Equation;
 69 inline void addedge(int from,int to,int len) {
 70     static int cnt = 0;
 71     t[++cnt] = to , l[cnt] = len , nxt[cnt] = s[from] , s[from] = cnt;
 72 }
 73 inline void pre(int pos) {
 74     siz[pos] = 1;
 75     for(int at=s[pos];at;at=nxt[at])
 76         if( t[at] != fa[pos] ) {
 77             fa[t[at]] = pos , dep[t[at]] = dep[pos] + 1 , dis[t[at]] = dis[pos] + l[at] ,
 78             pre(t[at]) , siz[pos] += siz[t[at]];
 79             if( siz[t[at]] > siz[son[pos]] ) son[pos] = t[at];
 80         }
 81 }
 82 inline void dfs(int pos) {
 83     static int iid;
 84     top[pos] = pos == son[fa[pos]] ? top[fa[pos]] : pos , rec[id[pos]=++iid] = pos , cs[top[pos]].insert(dis[pos]);
 85     sgt.update_mx(1,id[pos],dis[pos]-dis[fa[pos]]);
 86     if( son[pos] ) dfs(son[pos]);
 87     for(int at=s[pos];at;at=nxt[at]) if( t[at] != fa[pos] && t[at] != son[pos] ) dfs(t[at]);
 88 }
 89 inline int lca(int x,int y) {
 90     while( top[x] != top[y] ) {
 91         if( dep[top[x]] < dep[top[y]] ) swap(x,y);
 92         x = fa[top[x]];
 93     }
 94     return dep[x] < dep[y] ? x : y;
 95 }
 96 inline void chain(int x,int lc,const Equation &e) {
 97     while( top[x] != top[lc] ) {
 98         sgt.update(1,id[top[x]],id[x],e) ,
 99         usl[top[x]] = id[top[x]] , usr[top[x]] = max(usr[top[x]],id[x]) , x = fa[top[x]];
100     }
101     sgt.update(1,id[lc],id[x],e) , usl[top[x]] = id[lc] , usr[top[x]] = max(usr[top[x]],id[x]);
102 }
103 inline void reschain(int x,int lc) {
104     while( top[x] != top[lc] ) {
105         sgt.reset(1,id[top[x]],id[x]) ,
106         usl[top[x]] = usr[top[x]] = 0 , x = fa[top[x]];
107     }
108     sgt.reset(1,id[lc],id[x]) , usl[top[x]] = usr[top[x]] = 0;
109 }
110 inline void filla(int u,int v,lli t) { // from u , to v , start time is t .
111     int l = lca(u,v);
112     if( l == u ) { // fully down .
113         Equation e = (Equation){1,t-dis[u]};
114         chain(v,u,e);
115     } else if( l == v ) {
116         Equation e = (Equation){-1,t+dis[u]};
117         chain(u,v,e);
118     } else {
119         const lli tlca = t + dis[u] - dis[l];
120         Equation eu = (Equation){-1,t+dis[u]} , ev = (Equation){1,tlca-dis[l]};
121         chain(u,l,eu) , chain(v,l,ev) , sgt.update(1,id[l],id[l],(Equation){0,tlca});
122     }
123 }
124 inline void reseta(int u,int v) { // from u , to v , start time is t .
125     int l = lca(u,v);
126     if( l == u ) reschain(v,u);
127     else if( l == v ) reschain(u,v);
128     else reschain(u,l) , reschain(v,l);
129 }
130 inline bool cross(lli x,lli y,lli xx,lli yy) {
131     return x <= yy && xx <= y;
132 }
133 inline int coresme(int t,int l,int r,const Equation &e) {
134     if( l <= r ) { // have same points .
135         lli al = sgt.query(1,l).calc(dis[rec[l]]) , ar = sgt.query(1,r).calc(dis[rec[r]]);
136         lli bl = e.calc(dis[rec[l]]) , br = e.calc(dis[rec[r]]);
137         if( al == bl && ar == br ) { // sameway .
138             return r - l + 1;
139         } else if( l != r && cross(min(al,ar),max(al,ar),min(bl,br),max(bl,br)) ) {
140             Equation ea = sgt.query(1,l) , eaa = sgt.query(1,r);
141             if( !ea.k ) ea = eaa; // ea is lca .
142             if( ea.k != e.k ) { // may have solution .
143                 lli lft = ea.k - e.k , rit = e.b - ea.b;
144                 if( ! ( rit % lft ) ) {
145                     lli sol = rit / lft;
146                     if( cs[t].find(sol) != cs[t].end() ) return 1;
147                 }
148             }
149         }
150     }
151     return 0;
152 }
153 inline int getsme(int x,int lc,const Equation &e,bool qlca) {
154     int ret = 0;
155     while( top[x] != top[lc] ) {
156         const int t = top[x];
157         if( usl[t] && usr[t] ) { // same chain visited .
158             int l = max( usl[t] , id[top[x]] ) , r = min( usr[t] , id[x] );
159             ret += coresme(t,l,r,e);
160         }
161         x = fa[top[x]];
162     }
163     const int t = top[x];
164     if( usl[t] && usr[t] ) { // same chain visited .
165         int l = max( usl[t] , id[lc] + qlca ) , r = min( usr[t] , id[x] );
166         ret += coresme(t,l,r,e);
167     }
168     return ret;
169 }
170 inline bool corevis(int t,int l,int r,const Equation &e) {
171     if( l < r ) { // have same points .
172         lli al = sgt.query(1,l).calc(dis[rec[l]]) , ar = sgt.query(1,r).calc(dis[rec[r]]);
173         lli bl = e.calc(dis[rec[l]]) , br = e.calc(dis[rec[r]]);
174         if( cross(min(al,ar),max(al,ar),min(bl,br),max(bl,br)) ) {
175             Equation ea = sgt.query(1,l) , eaa = sgt.query(1,r);
176             if( !ea.k ) ea = eaa;
177             if( ea.k == e.k ) {
178                 if( l == r ) return 0;
179                 const lli deltab = abs(ea.b-e.b) , mxlen = sgt.query_mx(1,l+1,r);
180                 return deltab < mxlen;
181             } else return 1;
182         }
183     }
184     return 0;
185 }
186 inline bool used(int x) {
187     int t = top[x];
188     return usl[t] && usr[t] && usl[t] <= id[x] && id[x] <= usr[t];
189 }
190 inline int vevis(int x,const Equation &e) {
191     if( used(x) && used(fa[x]) ) {
192         Equation ea = sgt.query(1,id[x]);
193         lli al = ea.calc(dis[fa[x]]) , ar = ea.calc(dis[x]);
194         lli bl = e.calc(dis[fa[x]]) , br = e.calc(dis[x]);
195         if( cross(min(al,ar),max(al,ar),min(bl,br),max(bl,br)) ) {
196             if( ea.k == e.k ) {
197                 const lli deltab = abs(ea.b-e.b) , mxlen = dis[x] - dis[fa[x]];
198                 return deltab < mxlen;
199             } else return 1;
200         }
201     }
202     return 0;
203 }
204 inline bool getvis(int x,int lc,const Equation &e) {
205     while( top[x] != top[lc] ) {
206         const int t = top[x];
207         if( usl[t] && usr[t] ) { // same chain visited .
208             int l = max( usl[t] , id[top[x]] ) , r = min( usr[t] , id[x] );
209             if( corevis(t,l,r,e) ) return 1;
210         }
211         if( vevis(top[x],e) ) return 1;
212         x = fa[top[x]]; // how to deal with this edge ? 
213     }
214     const int t = top[x];
215     if( usl[t] && usr[t] ) { // same chain visited .
216         int l = max( usl[t] , id[lc] ) , r = min( usr[t] , id[x] );
217         if( corevis(t,l,r,e) ) return 1;
218     }
219     return 0;
220 }
221 inline bool queryb(int u,int v,lli t) {
222     int l = lca(u,v) , sme = 0;
223     if( l == u ) { // fully down .
224         Equation e = (Equation){1,t-dis[u]};
225         sme = getsme(v,u,e,0);
226         if( sme ) return sme > 1;
227         return getvis(v,u,e);
228     } else if( l == v ) {
229         Equation e = (Equation){-1,t+dis[u]};
230         sme = getsme(u,v,e,0);
231         if( sme ) return sme > 1;
232         return getvis(u,v,e);
233     } else {
234         const lli tlca = t + dis[u] - dis[l];
235         Equation eu = (Equation){-1,t+dis[u]} , ev = (Equation){1,tlca-dis[l]};
236         sme = getsme(u,l,eu,0) + getsme(v,l,ev,1);
237         if( sme ) return sme > 1;
238         return getvis(u,l,eu) || getvis(v,l,ev);
239     }
240 }
242 int main() {
243     static int n,m;
244     scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
245     for(int i=1,a,b,l;i<n;i++) scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&l) , addedge(a,b,l) , addedge(b,a,l);
246     sgt.build(sgt.cnt=1,1,n) , pre(1) , dfs(1);
247     for(int i=1,u,v,t,uu,vv,tt;i<=m;i++) {
248         scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",&u,&v,&t,&uu,&vv,&tt) , filla(u,v,t);
249         puts(queryb(uu,vv,tt)?"YES":"NO") , reseta(u,v);
250     }
251     return 0;
252 }
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