ZH奶酪:Python 中缀表达式转换后缀表达式












 1 __author__ = 'ZhangHe'
 2 def in2post(inOrder):
 3     pool = ''
 4     stack = ''
 5     for i in inOrder:
 6         ret = proc(i,switch(i),stack,pool)
 7         stack = ret['stack']
 8         pool = ret['pool']
 9     if stack != '':
10         stack = stack[::-1]
11     return pool+stack
13 def switch(c):
14     operator1 = '+-'
15     operator2 = '*/'
16     num = 'abcdefg'
17     if c in num:
18         return 0
19     if c in operator1:
20         return 1
21     if c in operator2:
22         return 2
23 def proc(c,op,stack,pool):
24     top = len(stack)-1
26     if op == 0:#abcdefg
27         pool += c
28     if op == 2 or op==1:#*
29         if top == -1:
30             stack += c
31         elif switch(stack[top]) < op:
32             stack += c
33         else:
34             while top != -1 and switch(stack[top]) >= op:
35                 pool += stack[top]
36                 top -= 1
37             if top != -1:
38                 stack = stack[0:top+1]
39             else:
40                 stack = ''
41             stack += c
42     ret = {
43         'stack':stack,
44         'pool':pool
45     }
46     return ret
47 inOrder = 'a+b*c-d*e+f/g'
48 print in2post(inOrder)









 1 __author__ = 'ZhangHe'
 2 def in2post(inOrder):
 3     pool = ''
 4     stack = ''
 5     for i in inOrder:
 6         ret = proc(i,switch(i),stack,pool)
 7         stack = ret['stack']
 8         pool = ret['pool']
 9     if stack != '':
10         stack = stack[::-1]
11     return pool+stack
13 def switch(c):
14     operator1 = '+-'
15     operator2 = '*/'
16     operator3 = ')'
17     operator4 = '('
18     num = 'abcdefg'
19     if c in num:
20         return 0
21     if c in operator1:
22         return 1
23     if c in operator2:
24         return 2
25     if c in operator3:
26         return 3
27     if c in operator4:
28         return 4
29 def proc(c,op,stack,pool):
30     top = len(stack)-1
32     if op == 0:#abcdefg
33         pool += c
34     if op == 2 or op==1:#*
35         if top == -1:
36             stack += c
37         elif switch(stack[top]) < op or stack[top] == '(':
38             stack += c
39         else:
40             while top != -1 and switch(stack[top]) >= op and switch(stack[top])<switch(')'):
41                 pool += stack[top]
42                 top -= 1
43             if top != -1:
44                 stack = stack[0:top+1]
45             else:
46                 stack = ''
47             stack += c
48     if op == 3:#)
49         while top!= -1 and stack[top] != '(':
50             pool += stack[top]
51             top -= 1
52         stack = stack[0:top]
53     if op == 4:#(
54         stack += c
55     ret = {
56         'stack':stack,
57         'pool':pool
58     }
59     return ret
60 # inOrder = 'a+b*c-d*e+f/g'
61 inOrder = 'a+b*c+(d*e+f)*g'
62 print in2post(inOrder)


