Windows 7 Search doesn't work! (windows 7 搜索问题 —— 搜不到要找的文件)

There are so many differents about the search function of file between Windows 7 and windows xp, so if your settings are not correct, the results are not expected.

(Windows 7和windows xp的搜索方式有了较大的改变,所以会导致明明文件夹中有那个文件,结果却搜索不出来,这不是windows 7的搜索功能垃圾,而是没有设置好搜索选项。)

The files for test search function of windows 7:


Using the default settings, you'll not find the files you want to find or only find the files of old version(it depends on the time of finishing indexing):


How to solve it?

Open the "Control->Indexing Options":


首先,windows 7采用的建立索引的方式加快搜索速度,但是我发现建立索引后反而搜不到实际存在的文件,所以如果你不想在搜索结果里漏掉某个文件,把索引位置全部勾选掉,参照如下设置:


Click "Modify".

Clear all the check box and press "OK".


默认情况下,windows 7 会给每个计算机的磁盘位置建立索引,但是建立索引后将会发生搜不到存在文件的问题,因此我们取消使用这些索引,全部清除这些打钩的选项)

After the modify:


Untill now, you can find the new version of your files, but if you don't want a result missing some file, you must add "*" before your search string.

See the result of searching:



See the comparation of adding "*" or not, I don't know why the file not matched appears here, may be there is something wrong.


The correct result:


Sometimes if the file is opened, you can't find it use the search function.


If you want search the content of the document, set as the picture:


"Tools -> Folder Options -> Search"

