动态规划 53:Maximum Subarray,152:Maximum Subarray,266. Palindrome Permutation 回文全排列




判断第i-1位的正负,若dp[i-1]<0 则 dp[i] = nums[i]; 若 dp[i-1] > 0 则 dp[i] = dp[i-1] +nums[i];

最后用 max_num = max(max_num, dp[i]); 来存储最大的和。

class Solution {
    int maxSubArray(vector<int>& nums) {
        int len = nums.size();
        if(len == 0) return 0;
        if(len == 1) return nums[0];
        vector<int> dp(len, 0);  //dp[i]: 以第i个元素为结尾的最大子序列和
        dp[0] = nums[0];
        int max_num = dp[0];
        for(int i=1; i<len; i++){
            if(dp[i-1] > 0)
                dp[i] = dp[i-1] +nums[i];
                dp[i] = nums[i];
        return max_num;


思路:因为数组里有负号,所以用两个数组dp_max 和 dp_min 分别保存到当前位置i的最大值和最小值。


dp_max[i%2] = max( max(dp_max[(i-1)%2]*nums[i], nums[i]), dp_min[(i-1)%2]*nums[i]);
dp_min[i%2] = min(min(dp_min[(i-1)%2]*nums[i], nums[i]), dp_max[(i-1)%2]*nums[i]);

class Solution {
    int maxProduct(vector<int>& nums) {
        int n = nums.size();
        if(n==0) return 0;
        int dp_max[2]={nums[0], 0}, dp_min[2]={nums[0], 0} ;
        int ans = nums[0];
        for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
            dp_max[i%2] = max( max(dp_max[(i-1)%2]*nums[i], nums[i]), dp_min[(i-1)%2]*nums[i]);
            dp_min[i%2] = min(min(dp_min[(i-1)%2]*nums[i], nums[i]), dp_max[(i-1)%2]*nums[i]);
            ans = max(ans, dp_max[i%2]);
        return ans;

266. Palindrome Permutation 回文全排列

Given a string, determine if a permutation of the string could form a palindrome.

Example 1:

Input: "code"
Output: false

Example 2:

Input: "aab"
Output: true

Example 3:

Input: "carerac"
Output: true


  1. Consider the palindromes of odd vs even length. What difference do you notice?
  2. Count the frequency of each character.
  3. If each character occurs even number of times, then it must be a palindrome. How about character which occurs odd number of times?