printf "33[31;42mhello world33[0m "



none = "33[0m"
black = "33[0;30m"
dark_gray = "33[1;30m"
blue = "33[0;34m"
light_blue = "33[1;34m"
green = "33[0;32m"
light_green -= "33[1;32m"
cyan = "33[0;36m"
light_cyan = "33[1;36m"
red = "33[0;31m"
light_red = "33[1;31m"
purple = "33[0;35m"
light_purple = "33[1;35m"
brown = "33[0;33m"
yellow = "33[1;33m"
light_gray = "33[0;37m"
white = "33[1;37m"

字背景颜色范围: 40--49 字颜色: 30--39
40: 黑 30: 黑
41:红 31: 红
42:绿 32: 绿
43:黄 33: 黄
44:蓝 34: 蓝
45:紫 35: 紫
46:深绿 36: 深绿
47:白色 37: 白色


33[0m 关闭所有属性
33[1m 设置高亮度
3[4m 下划线
33[5m 闪烁
33[7m 反显
33[8m 消隐
33[30m -- 33[37m 设置前景色
33[40m -- 33[47m 设置背景色


33[nA 光标上移n行
3[nB 光标下移n行
33[nC 光标右移n行
33[nD 光标左移n行
33[2J 清屏
33[K 清除从光标到行尾的内容
33[s 保存光标位置
33[u 恢复光标位置
33[?25l 隐藏光标
33[?25h 显示光标


printf "33[0m My father 33[0;30m was a 33[1;30m self-taught 33[0;34m mandolin player. 33[1;34m He was 33[0;32m one of 33[1;32m the best 3 3[0;36m string instrument 33[1;36m players in 33[0;31m our town. 33[1; 31m He could 33[0;35m not read music, 33[1;35m but if 33[0;33m he hear d 33[1;33m a tune a 33[0;37m few times, 33[1;37m he could 33[30m pl ay it. 33[47m When he 33[40m was younger, 033[47m he was a member of a s mall country music band. "

