
 1 create procedure pr_bank(@bank_id int)
 2 as
 4     select *from bank 
 5     where bank_ID = @bank_id
 6     if (select count(*) from account where bank_id=@bank_id)=0
 7          delete  from bank where bank_ID=@bank_id
 8     if (select sum(account_balance) from account where bank_id=@bank_id group by bank_id)<1000000
 9         insert into account(bank_id) values(@bank_id)
10 END


1、 创建语法

1 create proc | procedure pro_name
2    [{@参数数据类型} [=默认值] [output],
3     {@参数数据类型} [=默认值] [output],
4     ....
5    ]
6 as
7    SQL_statements

2、 创建不带参数存储过程

 1 --创建存储过程
 2 if (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'proc_get_student'))
 3     drop proc proc_get_student
 4 go
 5 create proc proc_get_student
 6 as
 7     select * from student;
 9 --调用、执行存储过程
10 exec proc_get_student;

3、 修改存储过程

alter proc proc_get_student
select * from student;

4、 带参存储过程

 1 --带参存储过程
 2 if (object_id('proc_find_stu', 'P') is not null)
 3     drop proc proc_find_stu
 4 go
 5 create proc proc_find_stu(@startId int, @endId int)
 6 as
 7     select * from student where id between @startId and @endId
 8 go
10 exec proc_find_stu 2, 4;

5、 带通配符参数存储过程

 1 --带通配符参数存储过程
 2 if (object_id('proc_findStudentByName', 'P') is not null)
 3     drop proc proc_findStudentByName
 4 go
 5 create proc proc_findStudentByName(@name varchar(20) = '%j%', @nextName varchar(20) = '%')
 6 as
 7     select * from student where name like @name and name like @nextName;
 8 go
10 exec proc_findStudentByName;
11 exec proc_findStudentByName '%o%', 't%';

6、 带输出参数存储过程

 1 if (object_id('proc_getStudentRecord', 'P') is not null)
 2     drop proc proc_getStudentRecord
 3 go
 4 create proc proc_getStudentRecord(
 5     @id int, --默认输入参数
 6     @name varchar(20) out, --输出参数
 7     @age varchar(20) output--输入输出参数
 8 )
 9 as
10     select @name = name, @age = age  from student where id = @id and sex = @age;
11 go
13 -- 
14 declare @id int,
15         @name varchar(20),
16         @temp varchar(20);
17 set @id = 7; 
18 set @temp = 1;
19 exec proc_getStudentRecord @id, @name out, @temp output;
20 select @name, @temp;
21 print @name + '#' + @temp;

7、 不缓存存储过程

 2 if (object_id('proc_temp', 'P') is not null)
 3     drop proc proc_temp
 4 go
 5 create proc proc_temp
 6 with recompile
 7 as
 8     select * from student;
 9 go
11 exec proc_temp;

8、 加密存储过程

 2 if (object_id('proc_temp_encryption', 'P') is not null)
 3     drop proc proc_temp_encryption
 4 go
 5 create proc proc_temp_encryption
 6 with encryption
 7 as
 8     select * from student;
 9 go
11 exec proc_temp_encryption;
12 exec sp_helptext 'proc_temp';
13 exec sp_helptext 'proc_temp_encryption';

9、 带游标参数存储过程

 1 if (object_id('proc_cursor', 'P') is not null)
 2     drop proc proc_cursor
 3 go
 4 create proc proc_cursor
 5     @cur cursor varying output
 6 as
 7     set @cur = cursor forward_only static for
 8     select id, name, age from student;
 9     open @cur;
10 go
11 --调用
12 declare @exec_cur cursor;
13 declare @id int,
14         @name varchar(20),
15         @age int;
16 exec proc_cursor @cur = @exec_cur output;--调用存储过程
17 fetch next from @exec_cur into @id, @name, @age;
18 while (@@fetch_status = 0)
19 begin
20     fetch next from @exec_cur into @id, @name, @age;
21     print 'id: ' + convert(varchar, @id) + ', name: ' + @name + ', age: ' + convert(char, @age);
22 end
23 close @exec_cur;
24 deallocate @exec_cur;--删除游标

10、 分页存储过程

 1 ---存储过程、row_number完成分页
 2 if (object_id('pro_page', 'P') is not null)
 3     drop proc proc_cursor
 4 go
 5 create proc pro_page
 6     @startIndex int,
 7     @endIndex int
 8 as
 9     select count(*) from product
10 ;    
11     select * from (
12         select row_number() over(order by pid) as rowId, * from product 
13     ) temp
14     where temp.rowId between @startIndex and @endIndex
15 go
16 --drop proc pro_page
17 exec pro_page 1, 4
18 --
19 --分页存储过程
20 if (object_id('pro_page', 'P') is not null)
21     drop proc pro_stu
22 go
23 create procedure pro_stu(
24     @pageIndex int,
25     @pageSize int
26 )
27 as
28     declare @startRow int, @endRow int
29     set @startRow = (@pageIndex - 1) * @pageSize +1
30     set @endRow = @startRow + @pageSize -1
31     select * from (
32         select *, row_number() over (order by id asc) as number from student 
33     ) t
34     where t.number between @startRow and @endRow;
36 exec pro_stu 2, 2;

作者:耑新新,发布于  博客园

