[Bash] View Files and Folders in Bash

Sometimes when working at the command line, it can be handy to view a file’s contents right in the terminal, or open a file with a certain application. We’ll learn how to view files in the terminal using cat and less and we’ll learn how to open them with open.

View Files:

A good command to view file:

$ less package.json

It shows only the files content without previous commands, and we can use keyboard to control the content display.

To bottom:

$ Shift + g

To top:

$ g

It also enable search content inside file easily:


Search for "mdx" inside the file

View Folder:

Sometime when you 'cd' into a folder by using command line, you also want to open the folder to see the files:

open .

It will opens the folder in current path.

You can also use 'open' to open a file by using default IDE:

open package.json

You can also open the folder by telling to using "Webstorm":

open . -a webstorm