[Javascript] Closure Cove, 1

Returning a function from a function, complete with variables from an external scope, is called a closure.

The entire contents of one of these inner functions will still be available outside the outermost function.


function buildTicket(allRides, passRides, pick){
        var pass = passRides.shift();
        return function(){alert("Quick! You've got a Fast Pass to "+ pass +"!");};        
        for(vari = 0; i < allRides.length; i++){
                return function(){alert("A ticket is printing for "+ pick + "!
" +
                                        "Your wait time is about "+ allRides[i][1]+ "minutes.");};

Simaple example:

//Simple example
function testClosure(){
    var x = 4;
    return x;

//We call testClosure() --> 4
//But we call x --> undefined

function textClosure(){
    var x = 4; //For closeX(), x just like a g_v
    function closeX(){ 
        return x;
    return closeX;
var closureX = textClosure();
closureX(); //We get 4, because, x is binded with closeX() 

What Closure can be used in patical?

--> A closure can make the creation of very similar funcitons ultra-efficient.

See the image below, buildCoveTicketMarker function return function. 

According the usage, we pass the fuction with different param, then assign to different variables:

getSubmarineTicket, getBattleshipTicket, getGiantSeagullTicket

They are very similar function, but different usage!

Then we have a loot the what function return:

All of three return the same function, and the transport, name variable still the same, becasue we didn't pass the param yet.


var hidden = mystery();
var result = hidden(3);

function mystery ( ){
  var secret = 6;
  function mystery2 ( multiplier ) { 
    multiplier *= 3;
    return secret * multiplier;
  return mystery2;
// alert(result); --> 54

var hidden = mystery(4);
var result  = hidden(2);

function mystery ( input ){
  var secret = 5;
  function mystery2 ( multiplier ) { 
    multiplier *= input;
    return secret * multiplier;
  return mystery2;
// alert(result); --> 40

var hidden = mystery(3);
var jumble = mystery3(hidden);
var result = jumble(2);

function mystery ( input ){
  var secret = 4;
  function mystery2 ( multiplier ) { 
    multiplier *= input;
    return secret * multiplier;
  return mystery2;
function mystery3 ( param ){
  function mystery4 ( bonus ){
    return param(6) + bonus;
  return mystery4;
// alert(result); --> 122

function warningMaker( obstacle ){
  return function () {
    alert("Beware! There have been " + obstacle + " sightings in the Cove today!");

var icebergAlert = warningMaker('iceberg');

function warningMaker( obstacle ){
  return function ( number, location ) {
    alert("Beware! There have been " + 
          obstacle + 
          " sightings in the Cove today!
" +
          number + 
          " " + 
          obstacle + 
          "(s) spotted at the " + 
          location + 
var killerPenguinAlert = warningMaker("killer penguin");
var polarBearAlert = warningMaker("polar bear");
var icebergAlert = warningMaker("iceberg");
var flashBlizzardAlert = warningMaker("flash blizzard");
var snowYetiAlert = warningMaker("snow yeti");

killerPenguinAlert(6, "Ice Caves");
snowYetiAlert(1, "Blizzard Beach");