
package com.liaojianya.chapter1;

import java.util.Random;

 * This program demonstrates the use of array.
 * @author LIAO JIANYA
 * 2016年7月20日
public class ArrayAssignment8_3
	public static void main(String[] args)
		Random rand = new Random();
		int[] a = null;
		int[] b = null;
		a = new int[rand.nextInt(10) + 1];
		b = a;
		System.out.println("the length of array_a : " + a.length);
		System.out.println("the length of array_b : " + b.length + "
		for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
			a[i] = rand.nextInt(100);
			System.out.print("a[" + i + "] = " + a[i] + "	");
			System.out.println("b[" + i + "] = " + b[i]);
		if(a.length == 1)
			System.out.println("The array_a only has one element.
					+ "So the max value of array_a is same as the min value!");
			int max = a[0];
			int min = a[0];
			for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
				if(a[i] > max)
					max = a[i];
				else if(a[i] < min)
					min = a[i];
The max value of array_a is : " + max);
			System.out.println("The min value of array_a is : " + min);



the length of array_a : 1
the length of array_b : 1

a[0] = 70	b[0] = 70
The array_a only has one element.
So the max value of array_a is same as the min value!


the length of array_a : 7
the length of array_b : 7

a[0] = 39	b[0] = 39
a[1] = 90	b[1] = 90
a[2] = 49	b[2] = 49
a[3] = 35	b[3] = 35
a[4] = 33	b[4] = 33
a[5] = 12	b[5] = 12
a[6] = 75	b[6] = 75

The max value of array_a is : 90
The min value of array_a is : 12


  1)代码行:b = a;表示将a数组的引用赋值给数组b,这时a和b是指向同一个数组对象。即“一个数组,两个名字”

  2)创建一个Random类型的对象rand,此对象可以灵活的产生随机数,代码行a = new int[rand.nextInt(10)+1]; 在rand.nextInt()后加1,可以避免出现0个元素数组。


the length of array_a : 0
Exception in thread "main" the length of array_b : 0

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
	at com.liaojianya.chapter1.ArrayAssignment8_3.main(ArrayAssignment8_3.java:30)

