
 Class clsDSJ
  Private p_Error,p_Author,p_WebURL
  Public Property Get Version
       Version="DSJ 1.0.0 Beta"
  End Property
  Public Property Get Error
  End Property
  Public Property Get Author
  End Property  
Public Property Let Author(strAuthor)
       If strAuthor="" Then
       End If
  End Property
  Public Property Get WebURL
  End Property
Public Property Let WebURL(URL)
   If URL="" Then
        If LCase(CStr(Left(URL,7)))<>"http://" then
             p_WebURL="http://" &  URL
        End If
   End If
  End Property
  Private Sub Class_Initialize
  End Sub
  Private Sub Class_Terminate
  End Sub
  Public Function gotTopic(str,strlen)
  Rem 限制字符串显示长度在一定的范围内
   Dim i,StringLen,CharSize,EchoCharType
   For i=1 to StringLen
    If EchoCharType>255 Then
    End If
    If CharSize>strlen Then
     gotTopic=Left(str,i) & "..."
     Exit For
     gotTopic=str & ""
    End If
  End Function
 '名称: ChkInvaildWords
 Function ChkWords(Words)
  Rem 定义需要过滤得非法字符
  Const InvaildWords="select|update|delete|insert|@|--|,|'|#|%"  
  For i=LBound(InvaildWord) To UBound(InvaildWord)
   If Instr(inWords,InvaildWord(i))>0 Then
    Exit Function
   End If
 End Function
 Function DividedPage(objRs,perPageSize,CurrentPage)
  If IsEmpty(perPageSize) Or IsEmpty(CurrentPage) Then
   Response.Write("<Font style='font-size:12px;'>参数不能为空!<br></Font>")
   Exit Function
  ElseIf (IsNumeric(perPageSize)=false Or IsNumeric(CurrentPage)=false) then
   Response.Write("<Font style='font-size:12px;'>参数不能为空!<br></Font>")
   Exit Function
  End If
  If CLng(CurrentPage)<1 Then CurrentPage=1 End If
  If CLng(CurrentPage)>TotalPage Then CurrentPage=TotalPage End If
  If TotalPage>0 Then
  End If
  Do While Not objRs.Eof
 End Function '终止于2004年11月27日
End Class

Set DSJ=New clsDSJ
