
ChangeDisplaySettingsEx ()
This function changes the settings of the specified display device to the specified graphics mode.
LONG ChangeDisplaySettingsEx( LPCTSTR lpszDeviceName, LPDEVMODE lpDevMode, HWND hwnd, DWORD dwflags, LPVOID lParam );
When you change the display mode dynamically, the OS sends theWM_SETTINGCHANGE message to all running applications.
To query for the current orientation, call ChangeDisplaySettingsEx with lpDevMode set to DM_DISPLAYORIENTATION and dwflags set to CDS_TEST. The current orientation will be returned in lpDevMode.
关键参数 - dmDisplayOrientation 有以下取值:
    DMDO_0 不旋转 
        DMDO_90 旋转90度 
        DMDO_180 旋转180度   
        DMDO_270 旋转270度