

public function gaoji()

            // ->where()
        // 在多个字段之间用|分割表示OR查询  用&分割表示AND查询 
            ->where('name', ['like', '%头'], ['like', '头%'], 'or')
            ->where('id', ['>', 0], ['<>', 5], 'and')
        //高级查询sql语句为(<> 是不等于的意思): 
        //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE ( `name` LIKE '%thinkphp%' OR `name` LIKE '%kancloud%' ) AND ( `id` > 0 AND `id` <> 10 ) LIMIT 1

                    ['name', 'like', '%o%'],
                    ['color', 'like', '%o%'],
                    ['id', '>', 0],
                    ['status', '=', 1],
        //SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE `name` LIKE 'thinkphp%' AND `title` LIKE '%thinkphp' AND `id` > 0 AND `status` = '1'

                        ['name', 'like', '%o%'],
                        ['color', 'like', '%o%'],
                        ['id', 'exp', Db::raw('>create_time')],
                        ['status', '=', 1],
    //打印出来sql语句 是 :"SELECT * FROM `attr` WHERE  `name` LIKE '%o%'  AND `color` LIKE '%o%'  AND ( `id` >creat_time )  AND `status` = 1"

                 $map = [
                        ['name', 'like', 'thinkphp%'],
                        ['title', 'like', '%thinkphp'],
                        ['id', '>', 0],
                    ->where([ $map ])
    //打印出来SQl语句是: "SELECT * FROM `attr` WHERE  ( `name` LIKE 'thinkphp%' AND `title` LIKE '%thinkphp' AND `id` > 0 )  AND `status` = 1"

            $map1 = [
                    ['name', 'like', '%o%'],
                    ['color', 'like', '%o%'],
            $map2 = [
                    ['name', 'like', '%o%'],
                    ['color', 'like', '%o%'],
            $data= Db::table('attr')
                ->whereOr([ $map1, $map2 ])
            //打印出来SQL语句是 :"SELECT * FROM `attr` WHERE  ( `name` LIKE '%o%' AND `color` LIKE '%o%' )  OR ( `name` LIKE '%o%' AND `color` LIKE '%o%' )"            
            $map = [
                'name'   => ['like', '%o%'],
                'color'  => ['like', '%o%'],
                'id'     => ['>', 10],
                'status' => 1,
            $where          = new Where;
            $where['id']    = ['in', [1, 2, 3]];
            $where['color'] = ['like', '%o%'];
                ->where(new Where($map))
    //"SELECT * FROM `attr` WHERE  `name` LIKE '%o%'  AND `color` LIKE '%o%'  AND `id` > 10  AND `status` = 1 OR ( `id` IN (1,2,3) AND `color` LIKE '%o%' )"
             //   enclose方法表示该查询条件两边会加上括号包起来。

            //    闭包查询
                $name = 'thinkphp';
                $id = 10;
            $data=Db::table('attr')->where(function ($query) use($name, $id) {
                    $query->where('name', $name)
                        ->whereOr('id', '>', $id);
        // SELECT * FROM `attr` WHERE ( `name` = 'thinkphp' OR `id` > 10 )

            // 混合查询
        $data= Db::table('attr')
                ->where('name', ['like', 'thinkphp%'], ['like', '%thinkphp'])
                ->where(function ($query) {
                    $query->where('id', ['<', 10], ['>', 100], 'or');
    //SELECT * FROM `attr` WHERE (`name` LIKE 'thinkphp%' AND `name` LIKE '%thinkphp' ) AND ( `id` < 10 or `id` > 100)


    $data=  Db::table('attr')
        ->whereRaw('id > :id AND name LIKE :name ', ['id' => 0, 'name' => 'thinkphp%'])
        //"SELECT * FROM `attr` WHERE  ( id > 0 AND name LIKE 'thinkphp%'  )"

        // //使用Query对象查询
        $query = new 	hinkdbQuery;
            $query = new 	hinkdbQuery;
                ->order('id','desc') // 不会传入后面的查询
                ->field('name,id'); // 不会传入后面的查询
                ->where('title','like','thinkphp%') // 有效

        //    条件查询

            Db::name('user')->when($condition, function ($query) {
                // 满足条件后执行
                $query->where('score', '>', 80)->limit(10);


            Db::name('user')->when($condition, function ($query) {
                // 满足条件后执行
                $query->where('score', '>', 80)->limit(10);
            }, function ($query) {
                // 不满足条件执行
                $query->where('score', '>', 60);

// 方法    作用
// whereOr            字段OR查询
// whereXor        字段XOR查询
// whereNull        查询字段是否为Null
// whereNotNull    查询字段是否不为Null
// whereIn            字段IN查询
// whereNotIn        字段NOT IN查询
// whereBetween    字段BETWEEN查询
// whereNotBetween    字段NOT BETWEEN查询
// whereLike        字段LIKE查询
// whereNotLike    字段NOT LIKE查询
// whereExists        EXISTS条件查询
// whereNotExists    NOT EXISTS条件查询
// whereExp        表达式查询
// whereColumn        比较两个字段

            return json($data);